Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Happenings Around Here

Clint is trying to tackle household projects and get wood for our heat. Add to that giving guidance to seven children, spending time with his wife, being on call every other week for work, and getting our place ready for winter, you can see he is a very, very busy man. He just came back from a day in Richmond to learn about motors pertaining to his work. If safe and permitted, Clint tries to include at least one child during each project or trip out to get more time with them.

I have not been feeling well due to a virus becoming active in my system again. This enlarged my spleen and made me very tired. I am making progress and am trying to tackle the incredibly long "to do" list. 

Brandon continues to get good feedback on his performance in college which I shared earlier. I do not care if he is successful by the world's standards. I want him to pursue what God has for him with all of his heart, whatever that may be. I'd be more proud of my child in a job most consider lowly as long as they had a passion to serve Christ than I would be of a rich and famous child that turned from the Lord. Real success will stand the test of eternity. 

Amanda is doing great in cosmetology school and is looking forward to her college coursework. She healed very quickly from the accident, but still frequently apologizes to Clint and I for "killing" the truck even though we tell her it's OK. We are constantly getting positive feedback on not only Brandon's and Amanda's outstanding grades, but also on their attitudes and conduct. 

Joshua, Caleb, and Bethany are working hard in their homeschool lessons to meet the deadline set which will allow us to take off the month of December. Right now, I can't accurately predict if they will make it or not. We might have to reduce our time off to one or two weeks to keep on schedule. All three of them are looking forward to Christmas and have spy gadgets on their lists!

Emily and Hannah are constant sources of activity and joy in our lives. They come up with some of the funniest things! Hannah loves to sing to us and makes up songs. Emily loves to draw. Both of them love to help me cook. They are growing way too fast for their parents.

Dear reader, we love you and are praying for you. Drop us a line and tell us know how you are doing. We love hearing from you.