Saturday, September 07, 2013

Abrupt and Unhappy Endings and A Song for the Suffering

It's been four months since I lost Isaac. At the end of this month, I would have given birth. Two days ago, I sat watching a mother with a newborn, and I was OK. I was surprised that the deep sadness and the painful twinges in my heart did not come. I took the time to pray for her and felt blessed that God has increased my ministry to broken hearts through Isaac. Even though God has healed my heart in the most profound and amazing way, my heart is very concerned for mothers who are grieving. It is a passion of mine to help others find the same comfort, peace, and healing that has been given to me through my relationship with Jesus Christ. 

"Most of us have faced times of experiencing an abrupt and unhappy ending to a chapter of our lives. Even though we are not ready to move on, we are forced to. David wrote Psalm 3 when he was forced to flee from his son, Absalom. David at this stage was a mature but still highly capable king. He had made mistakes and people were aware of his flaws, but to be evicted by his upstart son was initially beyond belief. This is a good Psalm to read in moments of internal pain and painful public humiliation. It reminds us that when we get knocked off our secure pedestal, the God of all hurts is there to nourish us. No matter what happens to us, God’s comfort can still reach down and touch us." John Grant

I come, God, I come
I return to the Lord

The one who’s broken
The one who’s torn me apart
You strike down to bind me up
You say you do it all in love
That I might know you in your suffering

Though you slay me

Yet I will praise you
Though you take from me
I will bless your name
Though you ruin me
Still I will worship
Sing a song to the one who’s all I need

"Not only is all your affliction momentary, not only is all your affliction light in comparison to eternity and the glory there. But all of it is totally meaningful. Every millisecond of your pain, from the fallen nature or fallen man, every millisecond of your misery in the path of obedience is producing a peculiar glory you will get because of that."

Click the title to listen to the song and read the rest. If you've ever suffered a loss, it is worth your time.

Thank you to my precious Christian sister-friend, Jen, a mother who has known more than her share of suffering, for sharing this. It echoes my heart. God allowed great pain into my life, but He is still worthy of my love and worship,