Sunday, April 27, 2014

Conviction vs Condemnation: Where is the Proper Balance?

I know a lot of people who carry with them the weight of condemnation. If you have never studied this area before, this message could bring a spiritual breakthrough in your relationship with the Lord. 

"There are some people I know who are harder on themselves than anyone else ever could be. Most people, on the other hand, are like me and make too many excuses for their bad behavior. There are some people who can sin overtly without the slightest sign of guilt or remorse. On the other hand, there are people who feel condemned by God most of the time, even when they haven’t knowingly done anything wrong. Where is the proper balance? 

Let’s look at the difference between conviction and condemnation in the hopes that God may use this study to give you clarity and direction if you struggle with this issue."  Israel Wayne

Read the rest at Biblical Worldview