Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Homeschooling Family Affected by Tornado Needs Prayers

While there are many who have been tragically affected by the recent tornados and stand in need of prayer, our hearts are especially drawn to those in the homeschooling community. 

The Tittle family is related to friends of ours. They lost three family members and everything they owned. 

Rob Tittle, a FamilyLife staff member and kindred spirit warrior for the family, died last night in the tornado that crushed parts of central Arkansas.  Two of his daughters—Tori, age 20, and Rebekah, 14—were among the 15 killed in the storm.
Rob, 48, and his wife, Kerry, had watched the sky grow dark and ominous and were shepherding their nine children under a stairwell when the tornado disintegrated their home.  Rob was doing what a man does—putting his family first and trying to get two of his daughters to safety—when the twister hit.
All that is left is a grim grey slab of concrete.
The Tittles' 19-year-old daughter posted this on Facebook from a friend's house: “... my mom, and my six brothers/sisters are alright.  We have lost three of our family … Dad, Tori and Rebekah, prayers would be appreciated.  The house is gone stripped from the foundation.  The Lord Gives and the Lord Takes away, Blessed be the Name of the Lord.”

You can read more about what happened to them, see all that is left of their home, and learn what happened to others here.

Please keep all of the victims of these tornadoes in prayer. Our region of the country is expecting more tornadoes today. Make sure you communicate your love to your family and friends because it might be your last opportunity.