Friday, December 07, 2018

A Big Way We Save Money

Bethany became sick after being exposed to a cold virus at a theme park. Elderberry tincture, garlic, vitamin C, cutting out all sugar except citrus fruits, lots of fluids, and rest knocked the worst of it out of her in 18 hours. She resumed normal activity with almost normal energy levels at that point. She had a little congestion for a few days afterwards but did not come down with any secondary infections.

We normally see very quick turnarounds with illnesses in our family. A low sugar diet, attention to nutrition, and knowing what helps our immune system are key. I have even been able to greatly minimize my periods of illness with Epstein Barr Virus. Where I use to have a heavy viral load for months, I can now cut it down to days with prompt attention. 

There's been emergency rhinoplasty, appendectomy, and hernia repair surgeries, but it's been well over two decades since any of us has visited a doctor or had a prescription for common illnesses like ear and sinus infections, bronchitis, pink eye, etc. 

When someone starts showing symptoms in our family, I start treating all of us immediately. I do mean immediately too. I send text messages like air raid warnings to whomever is out and tell them to start the protocol because germs have invaded the family. At the start of an illness, I like to use herbs that work as antivirals, antifungals, and antibiotics. Then I will get more specific as the illness shows more of itself. For example, sinus infections are usually fungal and are wiped out quickly by ingesting minced raw garlic frequently or saline sinus rinses with a few drops of tea tree oil. 

Practicing alternative medicine saves us a great deal of money each year. If you are a young mother, I encourage you to learn what you can do to keep your family healthier and minimize trips to the doctor. Keep a journal of symptoms for each child. This helps you to know how their initial symptoms present themselves so you can respond faster. It can make a world of difference in the health of your family and your pocketbook. 

Now Isaiah had said, “Let them take a cake of figs and apply it to the boil, that he may recover.” Isaiah 38:21