Sunday, March 08, 2020

Sermon Video

This is a good sermon for those who asked me for more on reconciliation.
If the video won't play, click here.
If that doesn't work, the title is: 
Charles Stanley - Reconciling Broken Relationships, so you can search for it.

If time is short, start with 41:15 and watch the last 10 minutes to get to the very heart of the message in following Christ's example. Search your Bible to see if that is the example Christ gave. Are we to follow Christ's example? What he says about God blessing your willing and obedient heart no matter the outcome has been very true in my own life.

"Reconciliation is an exchange of hostility for harmony. ..Reconciliation is not only a principle of Scripture. It is a doctrine of the Word of God." -Charles Stanley

"Some of us have to die (to self) and never regain their friendship, but what we do gain is bountiful blessings of a loving Father who knows that our heart's desire is to obey Him." -Charles Stanley

Dear Reader, This sermon is for the Christian who wants to grow closer to the Lord and accomplish things in His name. It is not for those who prefer to wallow in a deceptively comfortable stagnation. It can be crazy hard to put into practice, but it is so very worth it. It will make you grind your teeth, put up meritless arguments, and might reduce you to tears. If you live it out, it will set you free and set your heart to rejoicing! I've made or tried to make amends with everyone God put on my heart to do that with because I wanted more of Him