Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Black Snake Eggs

15 eggs laid in early July

Teacher Amanda
We saw veins and movement in each egg.

While all of the eggs Amanda found  were viable, there were a few with these spots.
In poultry eggs, these spots indicate a break down in the egg barrier. Bacteria can get into the shell this way and weaken or kill the embryo.

Amanda found black snake eggs when she moved a tarp at her place. Wanting to show stewardship over God's creation, she chose to incubate them and release them with permission on properties where they are welcomed due to their beneficial nature. Seizing an educational opportunity, she brought them home to us so her younger siblings could see her candle them. As it turned out, everyone was home and wanted to see except Caleb. He was working and has requested to be included next time.

Dear Reader, Clint and I were raised to fear and kill every snake we saw. We felt God challenging us to change our attitudes to be more in line with His Word. God called His creation, which included slithery things like snakes, GOOD. Snakes, although not my most favorite creature, are very, very valuable to the environment. They do a tremendous service for humanity just by keeping the rodent populations down. We are not showing wisdom, maturity, or good stewardship when we indiscriminately kill God's creatures or encourage others to do the same.