Sunday, September 06, 2020

For the weary

There on the poplars we hung our harps, 
Psalm 137:2

I've been listening to hearts of those in our family's circle and one thing that is very apparent is the weariness in this storm. Many feel life has been put on hold. Moments they had looked forward to for years are looking very different. Some wonder if we will ever be able to "really live" again? Is life going to be "this depressing" forever?

I want to challenge your thinking. This period is filled with occasions to live in a much richer way. There are many, many opportunities for good in the middle of this storm. The fact that this storm is a very significant period in history should be a cause for excitement and make us more eternally focused. There are plenty of ministries we can busy our hands and our minds with while we wait upon the Lord. We can still live our love and our faith out loud for all to see. Let's not miss the opportunities to do so. While we are at home, we can build relationships with our family and strengthen each other's faith. The righteous live by faith not by fear. Let's rejoice in God's mercy and seize the moments that are still yet to be had. God understands we have to hang up our joy for a while, but we need to reflect on and appreciate all we have been given and can still enjoy! Let our heart reflect our soul's satisfaction in Him. Ask God to restore the music to your heart and align your present purpose with His. Ask Him to give you joy in this journey and to be a reflection of His love, grace, mercy to everyone you encounter each day. Wherever your struggle, seek His help. Let's magnify God even in this storm!

Psalm 40
has many gems hidden within to give strength, peace, and comfort.