Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Book review: Taking Charge of Your Fertility

While I do not care for the title of Taking Charge of Your Fertility, I do feel it is a valuable book that will help women better understand their bodies and self diagnose reproductive health and hormonal problems. While many women buy this book to either decrease or increase their odds for conceiving through the Fertility Awareness Method (this is not the Rhythym Method!!) explained throughout most of the book, Taking Charge of Your Fertility goes far beyond achieving pregnancy. TCOYF can also help you self-diagnose and correct hidden reproductive and hormonal disorders as well as give you a thorough education about how complex our bodies are made. It not only teaches you how to take your basal body temperature, but helps you interpret those temperatures in a way you can understand. It can also help you get a jump start on working with your doctor in solving problems that you have. There is also a little information in this book on men's reproductive health. I have read prenatal and women's health care textbooks consistently for 15 years and this is one of the best. I have learned more about how my body works and stand even more amazed at how fearfully and wonderfully we are created! This is a book I will keep for quite a while.
"A rich child often sits in a poor mother's lap." Danish Proverb
"Cornelia, the mother of the Gracchi, once entertained a woman from Campania at her house. Since the woman made a great show of her jewels, which were among the most beautiful of the time, Cornelia detained her in conversation until her children came home from school. Then, pointing to her children, she said "These are my jewels." Valerius Maximus