Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Clint's Birthday

pictured L to R: Caleb 7 on Amanda's lap 14, Clint holding Hannah 5 mos, Bethany 5 and Emily 23 months, Brandon 17, with Joshua 9, on his lap

Clint's 40th birthday didn't go exactly as I had hoped.

I had planned to load the children in the shuttle bus, pick up a cake and pizza and head to his employer's for lunch.
I was going to call Kevin, a friend who works with Clint, and find out which plant Clint was in and have him sent unsuspecting to the break room.
As it turned out, I had to stay off of my leg as much as possible that day because it looked like the infection was spreading. The night before, we had four sick children, one who vomitted in his bed twice, which is why Clint looks tired in the picture. We improvised, adapted and overcame!

That afternoon, I took him out to Golden Corral's buffet for his birthday while the children set up a party at home.

Then we decorated his car too!

See the streamers on the ceiling fan? When we'd turn those on, Emily would throw back her head and belly laugh!

It was a fun day and he really seemed to enjoy it.
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