We are a Christian homeschooling family of 9 sharing experiences on our 14 acre farm in rural Virginia. Blog entries could feature anything going on in our lives: our walk with Christ, triumphs and struggles, homeschool, family life, helpful hints, tips for large family living, rural living, herbal medicine, etc. If you enjoyed your visit, please drop us a line at contentmentacres@yahoo.com
Tuesday, December 31, 2024
The Christmas Gift that Really Touched My Heart
Wednesday, December 25, 2024
Merry Christ-a-must 2024!
Merry Christ-a-must!
close and estranged
May the true meaning of Christmas
be apparent in your homes
and your heart!
Monday, December 23, 2024
Sunday, December 22, 2024
Powerful!! Well Worth Your Time to Listen!
https://youtu.be/gMAoeQzz6dw?si=ZeQYL9Jv-pTTyUDA Copy and Paste
Her story of sexual, physical, and emotional abuse and where it led her. Words can not describe her journey. You have to hear it for yourself. If you dare!
Friday, December 20, 2024
How we do New Year's Eve
Previously shared after a New Year's Eve:
I have several friends who were upset about something that was on one of the programs last night. I do not know what they saw, but it must have been pretty bad. As Christian parents, Clint and I got tired of the worldly performances many years ago. This is how we do it with our family:
For the last several years, my husband has lead our family by finding something more appropriate on YouTube to watch. What we watched last night did not have any talking or performances.
We saw the ball and countdown display and there was something similar to techno elevator music playing (not my fave, but better than any of the NYE performances). The only thing the camera was on was the "ball." We don't start watching until 10 minutes before. We play games, talk, watch movies, snack, etc. You know, interact with each other.
When the ball drops, we tell each other Happy New Year and then pray thanking God for the last year and asking for His leading and blessing on the new year. That prayer has been our tradition for over 30 years now. Then I go to bed. :-) Clint and I ride out early the next morning and pick up coffee and breakfast sandwiches for everyone.
Why would Christians choose to watch what everyone else was watching if it is going against our beliefs? We don't have to follow the crowd. We can choose better. We live IN this world, but we have been called to live separate from it.
Friday, December 13, 2024
Unspoken Prayer Requests
There are lots of things I see in our family that could use some prayer. Some of our members are edging closer to the world and forgetting their faith, mostly to please others. I ask that you keep us in prayer. It's nothing overt. Just hints of things here and there.
Spiritual warfare never ceases, and I know a lot of us are seeing it ramp up in these last days on earth. It's like our enemy and legions know their time is short so they are throwing everything they have into the battle. We can take hope and rejoice in the FACT that God never stops working on our behalf. God wins.
My love to all. We are praying for you too, dear reader whether you be family, close friends, new to the blog, acquaintances, or estranged family.
If you would like us to pray specifically for you and yours, please contact me through the email in the header.
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Tramates Versicolor aka Turkey Tail Mushroom
I've been taking Trametes versicolor aka Turkey Tail Mushroom off and on longer than some of my children are old. A long time ago, I shared my usage of it along with other mushrooms for EBV with the now-late renowned herbalist Stephen Buhner. He put my results on his website so my experience could help others.
Wednesday, December 04, 2024
indigenous knowledge of native plant medicines Quote
"Over 200 drugs that have been or still are listed in the Pharmacopoeia of the United States or the National Formulary were first used by American Indians, but neither reference acknowledges this fact. Thus, the tremendous benefits we've derived from indigenous knowledge of native plant medicines go largely uncredited." M. Kat Anderson USDA NRCS
Monday, December 02, 2024
It's Peppermint Season again!
Sunday, December 01, 2024
My Birthday and New Adventures
The countdown continues: It was my birthday recently. I am now 56 years closer to meeting Jesus face to face!