Monday, April 15, 2013

A Better Way to View Your Body (Worth the Read)

This article covers more than the changes child bearing do to a woman's body. It also touches upon normal aging, losing elasticity, and the effects of disease. It is worth your time to read and share with someone else. Friends combating disease taking away their mobility and affecting their appearance have said they found these words comforting and refreshing. 

These Are the Lines of A Story

“Yes!” he says. Then I take his little finger and trace it along one of my stretch marks and ask, “Do you know what these are?” “No.” he says. “These are the lines of a story. Do you know what the story is about?” “What?” he asks.  “These lines tell the story of Isaac and Ben and Elijah. They tell about how you grew inside me and how I stretched to make room for you because I was so glad you would be my boy. Aren’t they beautiful?” “Yes!” he answered."