Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The Visit with the Doctor Went

The visit with the doctor today went well. We felt listened to and our concerns were addressed. Clint has been tested for quite a few things. Results should be in soon. He was given a prescription to help him with the swelling and pain for the next thirty days while we wait for a diagnosis and treatment plan. We thank you for the prayers you lift on our behalf.

Update 2/25: Clint's pain has diminished a lot with the medication, but the pain in his feet is still there with swelling. He still has the fatigue.

Update 3/8: The prescribed medication stopped working as well as it had initially. Clint had more pain and swelling return early last week. While he was told he could increase dosage, he decided to try a remedy he read about online that would address all of the theories....garlic. Yep, garlic! And, it worked to help him with the pain and swelling! Noticeably! In fact, he has steadily improved since the weekend. He says 90-95% of the joint pain has left as of this morning. The other symptoms he was having have disappeared or have also diminished. He is taking a big spoonful of raw, minced garlic morning, noon, and night. We have our theories of what has happened, but that's all they are...theories. Clint goes to the doctor Friday and will go over what has happened since he last was seen.