We are a Christian homeschooling family of 9 sharing experiences on our 14 acre farm in rural Virginia. Blog entries could feature anything going on in our lives: our walk with Christ, triumphs and struggles, homeschool, family life, helpful hints, tips for large family living, rural living, herbal medicine, etc. If you enjoyed your visit, please drop us a line at contentmentacres@yahoo.com
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Economical Large Family Entertainment #2
I found these sets at Walmart after Christmas one year. They are normally $9.96, but I got two for 50% off. I dump the pieces in a baking pan and set the puzzle up on a piece of 1/2" plywood. I start it and before I know it, the children take over. It's a great activity to build family togetherness because you get to TALK! During a television show or sporting event, the family isn't interacting like they will over a board game, puzzle or household project.