Friday, October 14, 2011


Every time my children get seeds, they ask me "Can we plant it?" I've had a standard answer for several years for seeds that don't go in the vegetable garden, "Sure, go plant it in the flowerbed." They usually don't come up!

This year, Caleb planted ONE gourd seed in the flowerbed in the front. That vine not only overtook that flowerbed, but another one beside it and grew onto the deck furniture as well! It was something else to see! These are the gourds produced from that single seed. There are at least one hundred seeds in each gourd. Can you imagine how much fruit we could have if we planted each of these seeds?

Galations 6:9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

(If you want a gourd or some seeds, come by the house this weekend and I will be happy to give you one. The mere thought of what havoc the children can cause with this many gourd seeds scares me! :-)