Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Random Thoughts about Hardship and Mothering

My middle children want you to know these pictures were drawn before they began their art course. These were drawn while I was on bed rest with the purpose of cheering me up! I got several from each of them every day! I would rest all day for the evening so I could spend a little one on one time with each of my seven children. Clint would guard the door and only let one child in at a time because I'd get overwhelmed easily.

God will use everything in your life...if you let Him. If you let pride or fear make you hide it, He won't use it. It takes humility and courage to share the things that hurt, shame, and challenge us the most. You have to give it to Him and share it with others before great things can happen. Sharing the difficulty turns your hardship into service and your life a sacrifice to God. You'll wake up one day and realize God really helped others through you and gave you a deeper healing because of it. Your relationship with Him will become more intimate, and others will see this in you. Being able to reach more people for Him, impacting lives in ways we couldn't before, understanding God in new ways and growing deeper in the relationship with Him...makes hardship a blessing in the life of a believer. Don't focus on the "Why me? Why has this happened?" but focus on the "How can I use this for Your glory? Show me how to take this Lord and use it to draw them to You." Then get busy doing it.

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Bethany drew this cheery scene for me.

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Hannah drew her dog Ruffy for me. Ruffy is black and white but somehow my 4 y.o. made her technicolored. I love it!

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Emily entertained me by telling me a story she made up to go with this picture.

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Caleb colored the plane for me.

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Joshua knows me so well. I like the coffee, have a passion for helping all types of turtles, and really, really miss having my old Ford.

I am glad the children are happy with the job I am doing as a mother, however, that isn't that important to me as what my Father thinks. I pray daily that the Lord will give me the strength, the determination, and the commitment to be the best mother I can possibly be. This job has eternal significance. "Don't let me fail You in this," I plead frequently. My love for Him and my love for my family makes me determined to get it right. I know that can only happen with His help. I sincerely want to glorify Him in the raising of the children He has given me.

Philippians 1:6 Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ: