Thursday, June 21, 2018

Contentment Acres Bees


Beekeeping is something I have always wanted to do. However, I have a childhood history of severe allergic reaction to bee stings that made me hesitant to try.

Brandon started beekeeping last spring. He purchased a nuc of the Italian race of bees. I was around him when he worked the hive and was surprised at how docile they were. 

So, this year, we added a hive of Italian bees to Contentment Acres! 

They are doing so well that experienced beekeepers are surprised at how quickly they are growing! We've had to add more supers because of all of the honey they are making. 

I am using 10 frame hives this year but plan to have some top bar hives built for next. 

So far, Clint, Brandon, and Caleb have been stung multiple times but nothing severe. I haven't been stung YET, but I run faster and farther!