Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Snakes and Coturnix Quail

About a month to a month and a half ago, Emily and Hannah found a snake in the chicken pen. It was eating a young pullet and had already killed another one by constriction. It had been stealing eggs and small birds for a while before we caught it. I always try to hatch plenty of extra birds because losses like that happen. I am proud of my girls taking care of it themselves. It was the first time they did not call me to deal with a snake.

I normally take care of our quail but this morning, I asked the girls to do it because I am trying to work in time to do some research on herbal medicine for Mercury's allergies. They happily did it for me to give me the extra few minutes. They came back much sooner than I anticipated but there are two of them doing the job.

Emily started off with, "Mom, I am sad to tell you, but there is a problem that needs your attention in the quail shed." My stomach dropped. She continued, "There is a snake in one of the cages, and I have no idea how to get it out."

I knew snakes were likely when I started raising the quail again, but I hoped they'd stay away since the shed is closer to the house and there is plenty of noise and activity. Ah, nope!

As I was putting on my shoes she finished, "And, its ate one of your quail and there is another quail dead beside it." 

Me internally: "WAAAAARRRRRRR!!!!"

I hate killing anything, and I do not like dealing with snakes. I grabbed my welding gloves and went to see what I was in for. This is what I saw:


My original plan was to put on the gloves, remove the feed trough, pull the snake out, and end my problem. I was concerned about getting bit which can lead to a nasty bacterial infection, so I put the gloves on my hands. I asked Hannah to find me something to dispatch it quickly with. She came back with tree pruners. They looked small enough on the business end to get through the door which gave me an idea. I took off the gloves, opened the door, and managed to get hold of the head with the pruners and did what had to be done. Then I pulled it out.


The snake chose a very lazy way to get food. Just like humans eating fast food, bad choices lead to bad consequences. 

Many years ago, I gave up my learned response to snakes and accepted them as one of God's creatures and part of the earth we are to be stewards over. I do not enjoy killing them, but I also acknowledge there are times when there is not another choice. It is illegal to relocate them without a landowner's permission, and I know of no one who wants a snake on their property. For a few years, we tried relocating them on the far end of our property, but they just came back to eat more eggs and birds. 

From years of experience, I know the raptors in our area will come and take the slain snake, so I put it in our long driveway. For some reason, the birds take them sooner from the driveway than they do from our compost bin. Some big bird will get a good meal tonight and my quail will have peace.

For those raising quail or other small birds, I thought sharing these details might be helpful: 

When moving around my breeders and noticed some of my numbers were off. Instead of having 12 birds in a cage, I only had 11. I chalked it up to faulty memory due to the farm hustle, a family member selling a bird from the wrong cage, or an escapee. 

I also have been having some losses that I thought were strange. I had been finding some birds dead in the cage. Their bodies looked flattened. I now realize they were constricted and the snake did not finish eating them or was too small to swallow them. 

I also had one bird with an odd wound on its side. It was sort of round but more like a U shape. I was perplexed at how that type of injury could have happened inside the cage. Well, the dead hen beside the snake had the same injury in the same place. I postulate that is where the snake bit while trying to swallow the hen. I looked up some pictures of an Eastern Rat Snake bite and the marks look very similar. My poor birds have been terrorized, and I had no idea! I know what to look for now.

Please be gracious in grading my writing. Penny kept growling at the thunder last night until I figured out she was likely afraid and put her under the covers with me. I had very little sleep and overslept by 15 minutes which doesn't seem like much but it threw everything way off. In addition to dealing with the snake, I have spent hours researching Mercury's health issues and the ingredients in the very high-priced chews that seem to be helping. I also cleaned our vacation spot and the building inspector came. I processed the last 1.5 bushels of pears today. The apples, tomatoes, cucumbers, and figs were picked. Then I packaged egg sales, cleaned house, and spent time with a friend undergoing some serious health challenges. 

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Courage gets a Sibling


When Brandon was hired at HW, he had to give up Courage due to the 75% travel time requirement. All of us loved Courage and were sad to see him go. But, we frequently hear from the couple who adopted him. They shared with us that sweet Courage now has a sibling. They both look happy to have one another.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Brandon New Kind of Training


Once a year, Brandon gets to hang out with some knowledgeable friends. This year, Brandon is in New Mexico camping and training on BLM land. His bosses encouraged the trip by paying for one of the flights. I can't wait to hear what he's seen and learned this year.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

CHURCH: Who are you really following this election season? WAKE UP!!!

Do not trust in princes, In mortal man, in whom there is no salvation. His spirit departs, he returns to the earth; On that very day his thoughts perish. How blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, Whose hope is in the Lord his God,

Psalm 146:3-5

I warned about this for years, but no one seems to hear. If one looks deep enough, there are some very troubling things about T. And, no, I do not like the one in office now either. I did vote for T the first time because I feel he was the best of two bad choices. I also believe the enemy of my greatest enemy is my "friend."

Yesterday, I read a thread of people's comments under a video where T matter-of-factly stated Jesus was more popular than him. That is all it took for the gullible/easily deceived to point and say that was evidence of his repentance of sins and belief in Jesus as His Lord and Savior. One went as far as to say he was publicly worshipping Jesus. People are reading into his statements what they want to see instead of carefully analyzing what is actually being said and done.

"See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil." Ephesians 5:15-16 Circumspect comes from the Latin word circumspectus, which comes from circumspicere, meaning "to be cautious" or "to look around."

Brothers and Sisters, please put your faith, hope, trust, and loyalty in JESUS instead of a man.

Imagine if Jesus has the following and loyalty we see T getting... the cheers, the clothing, signs, flags, boat parades, etc. Have you promoted your candidate more than you have shared the story of Jesus, promoted, or worshipped the most high?

Don't be a lemur and follow the other lemurs off the cliff. Analyze and think about what you are actually hearing and seeing using God's Word as a guide.

If you don't want to be my friend or talk to me because of this, that is fine. T is not a Savior.

Monday, July 08, 2024

Not Junk or Stuff, Resources



A strong Christian told me once not to see things as "junk" or "stuff," but to call our possessions God-given resources. This way of labeling possessions fills us with gratitude for God's provision and helps us focus on being good stewards of what God sends us. Contrast this attitude to the wasteful and complaining ways of worldly thinking. I am reminded of the saying to not treat our blessings as curses.

A friend and neighbor moved recently and gifted us with a nice fridge. She is in her 70s and her husband recently died. This offer came right after the fridge in my spare room broke. God provides! So, we told her we'd happily accept the fridge and told her of God's timing.

When we got there, we learned she had much more to find a home for and her time was short. She had a garage full of furniture, lamps, and other household items that needed to go right away because the house had sold and they were closing the next day.

So, we volunteered to take the rest and let our family go through it to use what we could and then take it to Goodwill. She was so relieved and thankful. This worked out perfectly because Caleb and Elora were just married and have a new 4BR brick house to fill. 

After they finished going through it, the rest of the family picked out things they could use. We were able to find homes for 75% of what she gifted to us. The rest is in the back of my Suburban waiting for me to run it to the charity. I have a thank you gift for my friend and treats for her dog on their way to her new home.

This morning, I was trying to figure out how to put hinges on my feed hopper lids. The hinges need to be flexible to fit the rounded containers. I remembered the faded leather purse and grabbed it. I do not need to buy anything because I already have something that will work better than the flimsy products I found online. I am rejoicing because God knew my need before I did and provided for me. I am thankful I serve a God who answers our needs for big things like healing miracles and small things like homemade hinges for a DIY feed hopper.

Friday, July 05, 2024

Amanda and Joe


Amanda's Marine treats her like a queen, and I am very thankful.
She made that necklace when she was a young girl.

Thursday, July 04, 2024

                                        HAPPY 4th of July!

to our family and friends
near and far, 
old and new,
close and estranged

from The Asbell Family!

Thank You Father for making us American citizens and giving us the freedom, privileges, and responsibility you have blessed upon us!
May we conduct ourselves as worthy servants and bring YOU glory!

Dear Reader, Our world faces many challenges now and in the future, but I am still very thankful to be an American where I have experienced great freedom. No matter where you live, I hope you know the freedom that comes from knowing Christ.

John 8:36

So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Rambling about Losses on the Farm

I am very tender towards losing little creatures. A rural upbringing and our homesteading have hardened me somewhat, but sometimes the losses still get to me. It is harder when it is something young. I don't cry or talk about it out loud. It just affects my inner person and I have to work through it. 

When I say I would not wish anyone, not even someone who behaves as an enemy, to go through baby losses, I mean it. It is too difficult to work through and affects you for life. It changed me. I know it was a refining from God and opened the door to ministering to others, but it was a challenging time. There is peace knowing that those children went straight to Jesus and never had to experience the struggles and sorrows in this life. 

Sweetheart is a cat given to us by Amanda when she moved. Amanda found the kitten abandoned, dirty, wormy, sick, and emaciated. Amanda nursed her back to health. Before Amanda moved, Sweetheart escaped the house and got pregnant. 

Sweetheart is a first-time mother, so we put her in a crate in a spare room before she went into labor. The big thunderstorm that went through put her into labor. Two of her babies died right away. 

Three days later, she brought the third one and laid it in my path. She immediately started meowing very desperately and loudly. She clearly wanted my help. I looked down at her lifeless baby and my heart seized. I couldn't fix it for her. I immediately started thinking about how awful it was to lose babies to miscarriage and stillbirth. My heart was struck with compassion for the poor mama cat. I didn't tell her she'd have another litter because that ignores the current loss. I just sat with her, petted her, and talked to her. She couldn't understand my words, but we communicated and understood each other.

Years ago, I stopped hatching from my incubator because the losses were too troubling to my heart. This was during the time I was losing babies. Also last week, we had an incubator malfunction driving the temperature up to 109F. The approximately 450 eggs were just a week from hatching. They were all lost. I put them on the compost pile expecting something to use them. The next day, I saw crows going back and forth with them in their beaks. They were feeding them to their young. I had losses, but their babies will benefit from their deaths.

Also last week, we had a 6' black snake devouring our young pullets. Emily and Hannah caught it in the act and killed it. It is illegal to relocate them and if left here, it will keep eradicating our birds which will feed people for years. I feel bad for the snake not only because its repeated choices for an easy meal cost it its life, but because Emily and Hannah ganged up on it. Those two girls are ferocious when it comes to protecting our livestock! That was also the first time they ended a snake without me. A milestone of farm life!

I told Clint the other day that I am sick of death and feel like my body produced enough of it for me. I said that in frustration over the incubator losses and while reeling over news from a friend.

A strong Christian friend of mine is in a slow process of dying right now. My heart is overwhelmed with the concern for her suffering, and her family, and with grief that I will soon lose her fellowship. But her death will bring her relief from the extreme suffering she is enduring. Death will also usher right to Jesus where she will know no more pain or suffering ever. It will let her see and know Jesus face to face and reunite her with loved ones. She'll see what's behind the veil. 

Death is not something we consider good, but it is not always bad either. With perspective, we can find it can serve many good purposes. I am thankful to Jesus I will only have to die once and will not face eternal death. If you want that same freedom, all you have to do is believe in Jesus.

 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16