Sunday, August 04, 2024

The Incident in front of Bethany's Workplace


The reports are all over the place and we have not been able to confirm any of the details. Police told the employees someone shot two people directly in front of Bethany's north-side Chicago workplace. Bethany works very close to the Magnificent Mile. She works in the back, so she heard and saw nothing. A coworker of hers heard the six shots and alerted everyone to take cover and move to the back of the restaurant. They sheltered there for hours. This is because the shooters were still thought to be in the area. There was a woman who went berserk inside the restaurant due to the stress and police not allowing her to leave. That became intense but resolved itself. Once the scene was cleared, Bethany's boss made them reopen the store and resume operations. The different news reports are all over the place with varying details, so we are going on what the police told the employees at the scene. Bethany let us know she was in the back and safe within a few minutes of it happening. The police were already out front and doing their job. She sent us pictures once they were allowed to move freely around the restaurant which was when police were cleaning up and preparing to leave. Thank you for all of the prayers, calls, messages, and concern.