Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Egg Shortages Egg Prices What to do?

I saw it coming. As a Proverbs 31 woman, I made a move to prepare for it. This is the answer I shared on a forum when people asked what to do about the egg shortages and egg prices.

A lot of people are raising Coturnix quail. They are small and quiet, and their care is minimal. I know people who are raising them in apartment buildings and garages. In most of those instances, no one knows the birds are there. I raise my jumbo browns in a shed next to my house. The hens are very quiet. The males have a softer (and less irritating) crow that most people are unfamiliar with. People who are keeping quail in situations where others might object keep only hens. 

My birds have automatic waterers, autofeeders, and poop collection trays. In the summer, I run a fan to keep them cooler. They give me an egg a day for half a cent of feed (cost will vary according to feed costs). 3-4 quail eggs equal one chicken egg. Jumbo quail eggs require 3 eggs to equal one chicken egg, but let's go with 4 to equal one quail egg to be generous and to make the math easier. My cost for four quail eggs would be like paying 2 cents per chicken egg or 24 cents a dozen for chicken eggs. I know!! I am getting a bargain! There are things I could do to lower the feed costs, but I am happy where I am at.

I get more eggs than my immediate and extended family and friends can eat, so we sell the eggs and use extras to feed our livestock. Most months, the egg sales pay for all of the quail feed, so we are getting meat, our eggs, and extra livestock feed free. I also incubate the eggs and sell the chicks. And, I give lessons on raising them, harvesting, etc. 

If you have allergies or asthma, consider looking into quail eggs. They have a protein that inhibits the release of histamine. I noticed a reduction in my seasonal allergies, but I did not put it together until a customer told me why he was buying so many at one time. His daughter has allergies and asthma. The quail eggs are a natural medicine for her to keep both under control. 

Research says to eat them raw, but she and I both eat them cooked and see big benefits. This particular customer often gives me $40 tips because he does not feel I ask enough money for the eggs, and he wants to keep his daughter's supply coming. He says our quail eggs are the freshest he's ever purchased. (He float tests them.) 

I charge $3 per dozen. If you are OK with them being packed in a bag instead of a carton, the price is $2.50. If you have plants or produce I need, we can trade. If you need the eggs for incubating, please specify that.

If you are in Richmond, VA to the Hampton Roads, VA area and interested in quail eggs, quail for meat, breeding groups, harvesting lessons, etc, you can TEXT me.

7 five 7.
five owe six. 
8 five-five owe.
mention you "saw the ad on the blog"

Send a TEXT and I'll get back to you.

chicken egg shortage, chicken egg prices, egg prices, chicken shortage, egg shortage, eggs expensive, egg substitute, seasonal allergies, allergies, asthma, natural allergy treatment, natural allergy medicine, hayfever natural treatment, natural medicine, natural asthma,