February 10: Karen is still having severe pain daily. She believes her back was injured when she had a tooth extracted around the time of the stem cell administration. She also had a major bleeding incident which kept her in the hospital overnight which she is recovering from. Please pray for her Karen and her family. Thank you! May the Lord bless you abundantly for ministering to my friend through the power of prayer.
Jan 23 6:30 a.m. Karen's son, Malcolm wrote me. There has been very little progress. She was able to sit up twice. She is still in severe pain. Please continue to pray.
Jan 22 7 a.m. There is no update on Karen from Joe. Please pray for my friend and her family.
Jan 21 4:30 p.m. Karen is still in severe pain. They are trying to get pain medications to her so she can be transported to the ER. Please keep praying.
Jan 21 10:15 a.m. Karen's husband says she is unable to move and is in terrible pain today. She had a stem cell transplant last week and that could be the cause.
Karen has used alternative medicine to treat her cancer. She has been in stage 4 for two years now. It has been two years since she was told to "go home and die." There is no doubt what she is doing has prolonged her life and opportunity to serve the Lord.
Please pray for her pain relief today.
She really dislikes missing ministry on Wednesdays. She can go most weeks, but it wears her out.