Satan is very deceptive and very cunning in knowing how to distract us from our calling in Christ. If he can't get your soul, he will steal your time and work to render you ineffective. He knows exactly how to lure and entice us into falling for deception. Stay in God's Word. Study it. Keep focused on what you are called to do. Discernment is not knowing right from wrong but right from "almost right."
elow is what someone wrote about the teachings of the Enneagram and the dangers of it. I encourage you to research and pray hard for the Lord to give you wisdom and leading in this area. Do a Bible study on who God says you are. He can renew your mind and set you free of deceptive thinking. Discover who you are, what you are worth, and how you should react to the world around you in the pages of Scripture. Why would you seek knowledge from something that is so very horoscope-like?
God tells us "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away. Matthew 24:35."
Why would you want to define yourself by anything other than His Word? His Word is what will stand for all time. It will never fail.
The Enneagram makes you focus on SELF while God's Word points you to Christ. The Enneagram defines you and leaves you there. Christ defines you and improves you with sanctification. Christ reveals our value according to Him, who we are, how we are to live, and so much more.
Again, why would a serious-minded, mission-focused Christian seek anything outside of God's Word?
If there is even a single question that the enneagram could lead to self-focused thinking and sinful practices, is it worth it? even when you have the Word of the Most High at your fingertips?
"I get the Enneagram is a hot topic. Whenever I post anything uncovering the demonic roots, I get people trying to defend it, and I GET IT.
I actually went through the COACHING CERTIFICATION for it. I was a huge cheerleader, and I believed it helped me understand myself and family members better, but it was a trap, and I’ll prove it.
The reason it was helpful, was because I was able to feel VALIDATED. “Oh, I’m not crazy, I’m just a personality type! So it’s OK I’m like this! It’s OK my family members are like this! I can’t feel bad about it, and I can’t judge them, because it’s just a personality thing!"
If you look at the language, it talks about things like "CORE MOTIVATORS" - should we not all be motivated by the Holy Spirit? Some of those core motivations: to be in control, to be good/right/perfect, to appear needed, to appear successful - so many of those can be spirits that are NOT of God. We don't want to be “motivated" by perfection, control, etc!! That is COMING INTO AGREEMENT WITH spirits, who are then allowed to operate in our personality.
"CORE FEARS" is another language - GOD HAS NOT GIVEN US A SPIRIT OF FEAR, but of power, love, and a sound mind.
Emotional Continuum of Anger, Shame, and Fear. Spirits!!!! Those are not of God!!!
"Primal Response" is more language - we are not to go by fleshly desires, but we are MADE NEW! We've been REDEEMED!!! We have the mind of Christ!!!!!
“Stances:" Aggressive, withdrawn, compliant - NOT OF GOD!
"Centers Blindspots:" we come into agreement with "unproductive feelings, actions, thinking" - NOT OF GOD!
I am who GOD says I am! I am not "triggered by fear!" I am not "triggered by anger!" I am not "triggered by shame!"
Look to the BIBLE, look to GOD - he has made you IN HIS IMAGE!!! Not in 9 Enneagram personalities!
Isn't it ironic that Christians use non-Christian beliefs or methods, and then other Christians have to rush in to tell them not to?