Thursday, September 26, 2013

A Year Ago Today

A year ago today, we could have lost Amanda in a rollover vehicle accident. One in three people involved in those types of accidents die. A few weeks after her accident, a man rolled his truck in our immediate area. He did not make it. We feel very blessed to still have our daughter.

You can go here to see the stomach dropping scene I walked up on that day. Those pictures still get to me. We have had several people tell us Amanda was "lucky" or that "someone kept her safe" because "by all rights, she should have been hurt or worse." What we haven't shared before is that there was a 30 lb object on the floor of the truck that went right by her head on its way out the driver's window. That alone could have taken her from us. Her heavy textbooks flew everywhere, but did not harm her. God protected her and increased her personal testimony of how God answers prayer during times of crisis. 

When Amanda was younger, she had the diagnosis of a "severe sleepwalker." She has woken up in a police station (11 years old) and in the middle of the woods at night (14 years old). This accident makes three times Amanda has cried out to Him and has been safely delivered from very terrifying situations. When Amanda shares about how afraid she has been and how God comforted her immediately and provided a way to safety, people listen. She is only 18, but has already had some amazing faith journeys.

If you are one of the people who walked with us through that very scary day or someone who prayed for us, we thank you again and ask you to do one more thing: 

Please join us today in giving praise and glory to the Lord for keeping her safe! Say a prayer of thankfulness, praise His name out loud, or turn on the radio and sing worship songs to Him. He is worthy!

..and another special thank you to my friend Carla who prayed for me upon the Lord's prompting and took the time out of her day to tell me about it and expressed her concern for me a day or so right before the accident. In the midst of that scene and my fear and confusion, I thought "THIS is what God had Carla praying for!! He already has this covered!"