Saturday, December 12, 2020

The Horse Knows the Way to Carry the What?!!


We went over the river and through the woods.

When I was a very, very little girl, I thought the lyrics were "the horse knows the way to carry the snake." I thought it was weird, but it's what the grownups sounded like. I had no knowledge of sleighs as a little one. I sang about that unusual happenstance until I was old enough to read. My husband gives me a sweet smile when he hears this song because he loves thinking about little me singing happily about a horse carrying a snake through the white and drifted snow.

Dear Reader, until we know better, we can't do better. I am thankful for God's Word to impart knowledge on areas where I need improvement. Aren't you? For as long as I have on this earth, I want to shine for Him!