As of 9 a.m. today, we are finally at the end of this long journey which started over the hidden property. There is one very small detail Clint is doing voluntarily, but it is not required of him. At any other time, if this dropped on us, it would be a happy, joyful occasion.
Naturally we can use what God has sent. Extra income is always welcome in a family our size, but there is no joy in this. When we thought he was coming back into our lives, we believed it was solely for a relationship and opened our hearts and home to him. We had no idea of the existence of the hidden inheritance. We have peace in our hearts that we did our best with what was thrown at us. Sober and humbled gratitude for His protection and provision comes the closest to what we feel in our hearts about the material gain.
When we learned of this, we promised ourselves if God brought it to fruition we would "run to obey" with our tithe. We gave over what Scripture requires because we have seen the blessings of obedience and God's faithfulness in keeping His promises. God put some very clear needs on our hearts, and we had those gifts on their way to the recipients in less than a couple of hours of receiving ours. That was the only joy we have found in all of this. We were able to bless others through something that cost our family very much.
Thank you for all of the prayers. With the reality as cutting as it was, we do not know how we would have survived if our friends had not prayed with us, encouraged us, counseled us, and kept us going. Many of you have been the face of Christ to us through this. Many of you have helped us find ways we could learn through it. Some of you reached out to Bethany in her heartbreak. Thank you! We love you!
To him: You and yours are still loved and very much wanted as a part of our family. The door is open. All you have to do is walk through it with an honest heart. God wants our families to be blessings to each other, and we believe He is far, far, far greater than the sum of our troubles with each other. You can either go away, or come join in the fun; it's all up to you.