Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Luray Caverns, VA

After our stop in Beckley, we headed to Luray, VA which we also did with Brandon and Amanda when they were younger. I could have posted pictures of the famous formations, but wanted you to see some of the subtle beauty that is present in the vast spaces. 

Hannah getting close to a stalagmite.
How to keep the terms straight:
Stalagmites MIGHT reach the ceiling one day.
Stalactites hold TIGHT to the ceiling.
The walkways are paved, the air is very humid, and sometimes you have to walk in water.
I don't know what these are called, but I thought how the crust formed where the water flowed was neat. There was a very large area of it.
reflection of the ceiling in the lake
 different colors on the walls and you can see how low the ceiling is in some places
the famous fried eggs
inside a stalactite
the greens, golds and blues of the wishing well
 My favorite part of Luray Caverns was being able to transcend time to worship my God with a man, who is no longer living, in a place as amazing as the caverns while listening to "A Mighty Fortress is My God" on an one of a kind instrument like the Stalacpipe Organ. Leland Sprinkle spent 36 years perfecting the notes and used over 3.5 acres of the caverns to create the organ. You can hear a sample of the organ's music here.