Saturday, May 26, 2012

Youth Museum of Beckley, WVA


Our next stop was to the Youth Museum of Southern West Virginia in Beckley. It is right at the bottom of the hill of the Beckley Exhibition Coal Mine and in front of the Mountain Homestead.
As you can see, there is plenty here for little hands to explore!
Here Joshua and Emily are exploring a reading area.


 Bethany making a shoe.


 Bethany as a princess!


 Caleb climbing the beanstalk from Jack and the Beanstalk.


 Hannah setting the table at the Beauty and the Beast interactive display.

I love Emily's face in this picture. You can tell she thinks waiting for pictures to be taken is torture when there is so much to do! We took an extra one with my cell phone to send to Brandon and Amanda, and that was just too much for her! Joshua looks done with the pictures too! Caleb does not like his perfectly wonderful smile, so he always looks impatient in photos.