Thursday, July 19, 2018

Caleb Made a Stand

Clint and I are very proud of our 17 year old son, Caleb. He works for a Christian founded business which is now run by an adult son. 

Caleb stood up to his employer, a 40+ year old man, and coworkers, all older than him. He asked them to stop swearing and talking about how they use women. The men apologized and immediately stopped talking like that in front of him. When they slip up, they apologize and stop immediately. 

He received his 13% raise not long after this conversation.

Do not let your age or position keep you from speaking out on what is right. You can encourage other Christians to live better and also give a testimony to those who do not know the Lord. Shine bright where you are! 

We are proud of Caleb for not being afraid to speak up and set a higher standard.

There may be more Caleb news soon.