Monday, July 16, 2018

Wendy's Virus Defense: Elderberry Tincture



We are blessed to have several elderberry bushes on our farm. 

Sambucus nigra is a wonderful immune system booster that helps fight viruses. Our family has been using it for a number of years with excellent results. I also use it to help control Epstein Barr Virus with success. 

We just started a gallon's worth of tincture for the coming cold and flu season. If you don't have access to elderberries, you can buy tincture and other elderberry products from Amazon. I recommend buying it before cold and flu season starts. It has become increasingly popular in the last few years which has caused supplies to run out. I've also noticed prices on the various elderberry products tend to rise during cold and flu season.

"Probably the most interesting properties of elderberry extracts were reported by Zakay-Rones et al. (1995). Following earlier work done by Konlee (1998), these authors reported that a mixture containing elderberry extract had an inhibitory effect on haemagglutinin found in mycovirus. More work done by Barak et al. (2001, 2002) have shown that such a mixture could inhibit the replication of 11 strains of the influenza virus and increase cytokines production." source