Saturday, November 28, 2020

Happy Birthday #52!

2020 has flown by for me. I do not think I have ever worked harder or accomplished as much for my family! I have grown closer to the Lord as I have had to rely on Him for direction, wisdom, and strength. I am enjoying this highly productive season of life very, very much and believe the best is yet to come!

I can say this again this year: I am blessed with good health and am not on any prescription medications. I am approaching the day for it but currently do not wear prescription glasses. I have all of my own teeth. I am physically active working in our home, on our farm, and in helping others. I am married to a strong, loving, Christian man, and we are raising and loving on our seven children who bring us much, much joy. 

This is worth repeating too: "For decades, I was torn apart and felt lower than every other human being but escaped those chains and found my value in the Gift God gave to me. His name is Jesus and He offers you the same gift of salvation. He's real, and He is life/eternity changing!

To God be the glory for every single bit of it! I am blessed far, far beyond what I ever imagined could be possible for myself. I would not trade my life for anyone else's. I am His, and He is mine.

Today marks another year closer to realizing what is behind the veil. I am a bit closer to meeting "the One Who loves me more than all others combined" face to face. One day I will leave my family behind and run away with Jesus. My mind struggles to comprehend casting off this mortal form and stepping into eternity much like a caged bird would struggle to comprehend the vastness of the great outdoors. 

Birthdays are simply mile markers in this journey that has a glorious ever after ending."

My birthday prayer for myself for this next year is that I will become more focused on Him, will guard my heart, eyes, mind, and lips more diligently, and will share His good news with more people. I am asking for discernment and wisdom in all areas of my life. 

If you would like to give me a gift for my birthday, Dear Reader, share Him with someone else. Share your testimony, a Bible verse, how He answered a prayer, or give Him the glory for something in your life. In person, through text, or on social media, it doesn't matter. Just share Him! It would be fantastic if you made an effort to reach the lost, but you can build up another Christian too. I would consider you doing this a highly valuable gift to me. 

My love to all!