Sunday, March 26, 2023

Are you just playing around? or are you life and death serious?

 I'd rather have ten people that want God 

then ten thousand people who want to play church. 

-Leonard Ravenhill

The ones who want God seek Him out in His Word. 
That is the way He chose to communicate with us and is where He is found. They surrender to the leading of the Holy Spirit even when it goes against their own desires. They follow His ways even if it makes them afraid of the path ahead. They give advice that might offend the seeker but pleases the Lord. They aren't perfect but they are mission-minded. I have been blessed with several serious Christian mentors. I spotted them when I was young and watched them over the decades. It is they I go to when I need prayer support or counseling.

The ones who are playing church do what they want instead of what God's Word tells us to do. They surrender very little of their lives, if any at all, to the Lord. They ignore His instruction and the leading of the Holy Spirit. They give advice that pleases the seeker instead of what pleases God. "You/I don't need to do anything."  "You/I don't need to change." "Do what makes you happy/comfortable/get what you want." Today's churches and church leadership positions are overflowing with people who are merely playing church...and we are seeing the fallout in families and society where confusion and chaos reign. We know who the author of confusion and chaos is.