Thursday, September 05, 2024

Wood Stork, A Rare Guest





This wood stork has been hanging out at our house for a few weeks now. He or she has an orange bill which indicates it is an immature bird. It goes off to hunt in our river and comes back here to take naps and roost at night. 

I logged the sighting under my account on eBird. I did not share my name or exact location. I shared my handle which has my first name only and pinned the spot near my road. A delivery driver and fellow birder used his database to find me. He got my phone number off of the sign at the end of my gated driveway. And that's how things got started. Thank you, Lord, for moving Clint to install that gate a couple of decades ago! 

I am not feeling 100% (EBV flare-up due to chronic ear infection due to the e tube dysfunction). So, if Brandon or Clint can be around, we are letting people drive into the front yard, take pictures, check the sighting off of their birding lists, and leave. They are not allowed out of their cars or to get too close to where "Boid" perches. 

Boid has a few favorite spots on our property and doesn't mind our family. Its pretty good until we are closer than six feet. I've made it my job to give Boid a haven here until it moves onward. 

From what the birding community has told me, this is the first one in our county and surrounding area. The closest one to us was in VA Beach.

While I am a person who does not like a lot of people around, I understand the exuberance. I am a nature lover and a bird watcher. I used to keep a book and check birds off my list too. I have made treks to see birds but always when they were on public lands. As long as people are respectful of our property and the rules we put into place, I will work with them. 

If they aren't respectful I will charge them with trespassing. 

If you are a birdwatcher or ornithologist and would like to take a gander at Boid, please contact me at the email in the header of this page. My love to all!