General Disclaimer: No one has said anything, but I noticed a friend's event coincided with something I posted that could have been taken out of context. It concerned me because if he saw it, it could have caused him pain. That's not how I choose to live. So, I figured I'd just put it out there:
If my blog posts coincide with events in other's lives, it is unintentional. I keep the blog posted over two months in advance of any given date and will be happy to sit down and show proof of that to anyone who requests it. I even have a couple of posts scheduled for 2015. For the last few weeks, posts have generally been three months ahead as I try to clear time for the upcoming planting season.
Other than updating prayer requests and family news, I have not been on the blog much at all due to our family's holiday break that runs from just before Thanksgiving to right after New Year's. I had posts prescheduled to allow more time for family memory making moments.
When I find something to share, I make the post and then check to see when is the first date available to post it. Yeah, my method is that complicated!
Timing is solely in the Lord's Hands. The exception to this is if I am updating a critical prayer request situation or a big event or holiday. I try to leave a few blank days here and there too for pictures. In case you feel convicted/challenged about a post, ask the Lord about it. I have no idea why He times things the way He does.