One of the things I love so much about homeschooling is BEING THERE. I love being there to catch ALL of those wonderful firsts that not only stick in your memory, but meld themselves to your heart. Look at Emily's face as she reacts to seeing a full grown and shockingly large lizard named "Alex" for the first time and turns to share her discovery with her little sister, Hannah. You'll see the wonderment of a new discovery and the "trickle down learning" in action as she shares her discovery with Hannah.
Clint did such a great job capturing this moment.
Alex, the lizard, died right after this picture was taken. Life expectancy of Asian water monitors is 8-10 years. He was 14! I am thankful Emily was able to see him, be amazed, and learn!
Alex, the lizard, died right after this picture was taken. Life expectancy of Asian water monitors is 8-10 years. He was 14! I am thankful Emily was able to see him, be amazed, and learn!