Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Looking out for each other is part of the marriage deal.


We weren't home and were doing some work to remove a wood stove chimney. There was a lot of dust and debris, so I reminded Clint of his safety glasses. 

"I already looked. I don't have any safety glasses with me."

I just smiled. This story has played out so many times in our marriage.

I walked to where the tools were and rummaged through until I found the glasses I knew were there. He put them on while asking "Where in the world did you find them?!" 

"With your tools." I smiled as I sweeped up the debris so he wouldn't have to do it later.

When I picked up my camera to snap a picture of him wearing his safety goggles for our children, he playfully hid his face. It seems the best heroes need a help meet.

The next day, I had an severe allergy attack from working around some bushes I've not been exposed to before. Clint took me home early and put me to bed with meds. He even bought me New England Seafood Chowder for my lunch for the next day.

We look out for each other. 

Marriage is beautiful!

And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. Genesis 2:18