Saturday, September 03, 2022

Be Bold!

On our way home this morning, Clint and I saw a man in his front yard with a sign that offered free Bible study, breakfast, and music. We wanted to stop, but I had something I had to do right then. Clint dropped me off at our vacation spot and went back to talk to the man whose name is Joel. Joel told us he recently saw and spoke with a teen who was standing in the median of 17 holding a sign that said, "Jesus saves!" The teen told him he had just received salvation in a youth group. Joel thought about his encounter with the brave young man and felt very convicted about how much more he, Joel, could do for the Lord. So, Joel put the sign in his yard and opened his door to anyone who passed by. Clint asked if he could pray with Joel, and Joel happily prayed with him. Joel and his wife welcomed our family to drop by any time. So now, we have new friends who are also our brother and sister in the Lord.

Dear Reader, I am continually asking myself what can I do to be bold for the Lord. How can I shine more of His light in this dark world? I hope you are challenging yourself also. I believe our time on this earth is very short.