Tuesday, October 17, 2023

How to Forgive by Elisabeth Elliot

 Elisabeth offers four things that helped her forgive:

  1. Receive grace (Matthew 18:1-35)
  2. Acknowledge the wrong. Make sure your judgement is based on the Word. Be straightforward with God.
  3. Lay down all rights. Forgiveness is unconditional laying down of the self. this includes the desire for vindication, pleasure at the other person's humiliation, keeping accounts of evil, the right ot an apology, and bringing every though under obedience to Christ.
  4. What to do for the one who has wronged you:
    1. If he asks forgiveness, forgive
    2. If he doesn't, forgive with God.
    3. Pray for him.
    4. Ask for grace to treat him as if nothing had ever come between you and stand with Christ for him. (source)