Tuesday, October 10, 2023


I was asked for sources for news coming from Israel. These Telegram channels tend to do a good job of compiling the news coming out of Israel. I find I miss very little if anything between them. I also read news from opposing viewpoints, but I won't be sharing those sources for a few reasons. A few of those aren't as good, but I did not want to have to list them individually and link their urls. This way is more efficient. 

Some are asking if this is the Ezekiel 38-39 war. No. Read the passage. Spot the stark differences. A big one is that nearly the whole world is supporting Israel. However, this war could very well lead to the Ezekiel 38-39 war. In fact, Russia's stand with the Palestinians points us right to that war.


Mustache Paul, I think of you when I think of Telegram. I hope you and all of yours are doing well. You might choose not to believe it, but we love you.

Dear Reader, Even more suddenly than the attack on Israel began, the Rapture will occur. If you do not escape in the Rapture, you will have to endure realities much, much worse than what has happened to the Israeli people. The Bible says the Tribulation will be a time period of unprecedented trouble never before seen on earth. It will make every war and atrocity on earth seem like a cakewalk in comparison. Please make sure you are saved by faith in Jesus Christ

#ThereIsHOPE #Romans6v23 #Romans5v8 #Romans10v9to10 #Romans10v13 #John3v16to17 #Romans5v1to2 #Romans8v1 #ChooseYouThisDayWhomYouWillServe