Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Caleb and Elora


Caleb and Elora married on June 22, 2024, at Petsworth Baptist. The house and other things fell into place very quickly after their April 22nd engagement. They talked to their pastor, and he saw no reason for them to wait either. He encouraged them to seize the day and get more time as husband and wife. So, we had two weeks to plan a wedding, but it worked out perfectly. Elora wore her mother's wedding gown and gave Pastor John, Clint, and me rides in the new to her VW Caleb bought for her. I am thankful to have a BONUS daughter! God is good!

"So they are no longer two, but one flesh.
What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate.” 
Matthew 19:6

Sunday, June 23, 2024


 It happened. I have to wait. I want to respect boundaries.

Friday, June 21, 2024

How to Know God's Voice

Someone asked me today how do you know the difference between God speaking to your heart and what you want Him to say to your heart? 

My answer...

Scripture will lead you there. God will never contradict His Word. It will always be in perfect harmony. The more you study Scripture (and not what someone says about Scripture), the more you will recognize His voice. Look, He gave us a love letter we can read for ourselves. He does not want us to hear someone's opinion about what He said to us. He wants us to study it for ourselves.

Do you have any verses to study to learn how to recognize God's voice?

Yes, they are located between the front cover and the back cover. 

Seriously, you need to study the entire Word. 2 Timothy 2:15 supports that. Other verses support that. We need to study what He says from cover to cover to rightly divide truth. 

I would be very careful about "listening to your heart" or "following your heart:" The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? Jeremiah 17:9

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Busy Season

It is very busy around here. All is well. It is a good kind of busy. We are trying to balance family life with work, projects, farm, and the gardens. We are also trying to catch up on the things that are behind on the farm from the last several years of big projects. Some areas are overgrown and then there are piles of resources like lumber that we were blessed with. I finally have a plan to sort and store the lumber, but I need the time to get to it. It is a large amount. We also held one class on harvesting poultry, which went exceptionally well. We also helped set up a Vietnamese family to produce their own food. That gave me a lot of joy. 

And then there is the...

"SOON." Which is truly "VERY SOON." <-- That's for those of you who can read between the lines. 

I am now having to scramble for a last-minute job assignment for the "VERY SOON." I am happy to do it, but I am in a time crunch.

Please pray for my friend Karen's pain relief and for an infection to be eradicated. It grieves my heart to know she is suffering. 

My love to all.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Pride will deceive you...

 “The PRIDE of your heart has deceived you.” - Obadiah 1:3

Skeletons in the Closet

If you say you do not have any skeletons in your closet, you just threw one in there. You are a liar. 

God's Word says, "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23" and "as it is written, 'There is none righteous, not even one Romans 3:10."


Not one of us is perfect or better than the other.

There is hope. 

But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16

Monday, June 10, 2024

Wild Lettuce


Wild lettuce (aka "opium lettuce") is safe to forage but is best in early spring while the leaves are tender. I transplanted some to a big planter this year and let them grow so I could make a pain reliever.

Part of stewardship is learning to use what is readily available around you.

I am often asked how I learned so much about herbal medicine and other practical things. I was taught to valuable my time. The lady who lead me to the Lord was also my first grade teacher, Vice Principal, and PE teacher. She would say, "Your God-given time and talents are too valuable to waste on fruitless endeavors." Examine your activities and see if they are giving you a good return.

Friday, June 07, 2024

Cauliflower Leaves


My cauliflower plants are shaded, so they are still putting out plenty of leaves. These can be eaten raw in salads or cooked like collards.

Make use of what is growing in your garden.

Thursday, June 06, 2024

It's Going to be a Short Engagement

Caleb and Elora have decided they do not want to wait another year to marry. With the uncertainty in this crazy world of ours, they want to go ahead and get married.

They spend every moment they can with each other now. He just purchased her a car and bought them a house. Everything came together so easily for them as a couple. 

Their pastor has counseled them. He feels they are a great match with the same mindset for their faith and future. He has given his blessing to go ahead and get married. 

Elora's parents have given them their full support as have Clint and I.

The time and place have been set. It will be a "family only" event with a couple of friends who are like family. 

We are all so delighted and eager for the day to come!

It will be very soon. 

That's all I can share. 

My love to all. 

Tuesday, June 04, 2024

My Garden Nursery on the North Side of the House

I reposted this one because I just saw the second picture HTML was incorrect.

This picture was taken in March. Lord willing,
I will share the current view where everything has grown.

I place my plant starts on the north side of the house. This protects them from too strong of light until they are strong enough to be moved.

Updated Picture:


Monday, June 03, 2024

Regarding the Quail

We have raised quail many times off and on since 1995. This time, there is much more of an interest in the birds and quail products than ever before. Part of that is the larger Asian and Latin American populations near us. 

While I will not brag about how well we are doing, I will tell you that we eat the eggs and meat for free. Free meals! Our grocery bills are being reduced. Even better, I can bless family, friends, and strangers with eggs and meat. I have also been able to educate young families and older couples on how to raise their own food to help cut their costs and allow them to eat healthier.

We are just getting started and our name is not really out there yet, but the quail are more than supporting themselves. I am steadily refining how I am doing things to make it less work and more profitable. 

God has truly been blessing us! I am so very thankful and am filled with joy while working the quail. (I do hate it when I have losses though.)

I am thrilled to be able to offer my family another type of hormone and antibiotic-free meat. This is something I can handle on my own from start (incubating) to finish (harvesting). That is very satisfying also.

My love to all!

A Tip for Peeling Quail Eggs

In the interactions with customers, family, and friends the question of how I peel quail eggs has come up frequently. I have finally put it in writing to make it easier to share. For those who read here frequently but do not visit our farm, I often give educational printouts to our customers. 

When I boil eggs, I boil about 10 to 12 dozen (and sometimes more!) at one time. I have a little experience peeling the delicious little treats!

I place the room-temperature eggs in a pot and cover the eggs with about an inch of tap water. I put them on the stove and gently stir them until the water boils. The yolk in a quail egg is larger comparatively. Stirring while heating makes the white cook on the outside and covers the yolk. Having the yolk covered by the egg white makes peeling easier and gives an aesthetically pleasing appearance. 

Once they boil, I put a lid on the pot. Then, I turn the stove off and leave them for 5-6 minutes.

While waiting, I prepare an ice bath that is 2/3 ice and 1/3 cold water. Anything less than this has warmed up too quickly and not gave me the desired results. I admit it is mostly ice, but once the eggs are transferred the ice melts quickly.

Once the eggs are done, I use a strainer spoon to move them to the ice water bath. I gently move them around the ice cubes and water until they are all covered. Then, I leave them for another 5 minutes. This sudden temperature change creates a thin air layer between the egg white and the membrane.

After they have finished cooling, I drain them. Then I place them in a container in my fridge and leave them overnight.

The next morning, I gently roll the eggs to create fractures in the shell. Then I quickly place them in hot tap water. This creates another sudden temperature change which helps create more of an air layer between the membrane and the egg white. 

Then, I peel them over a colander under a slow steady stream of water in the kitchen sink. The colander catches the shells which makes clean-up easy.

As I peel and rinse each egg, I sort them. The imperfect ones go into the "snack or salad bin" and the perfect and near-perfect eggs go into the appetizer or pickling bin. 


There is another way which involves stirring and cooking the eggs. Then you soak them overnight in vinegar. The vinegar removes the shell. The membrane is intact which keeps the vinegar from flavoring the egg. One simply peels the membrane off. I do not do this method because I want the shells for my birds.


I have tried the jar-shaking method, but FOR ME my eggs have been damaged and/or not any easier to peel. I guess I am going between shaking too hard or not hard enough. 


For the eggshells, I drain and place those in a cake pan. I wait until the toaster oven has been used and then pop them in there afterward. This dries them, cooks off anything that can grow bacteria, and makes them brittle. Once they are done, I crush them with my hands and then sprinkle the shells over the feed for my quail, chickens, ducks, and geese. This provides them with a little protein and a lot of calcium which they need for egg making. There are people who also clean and bake their eggshells. They grind them and then use them as a calcium and mineral supplement. 


There are quail egg peeling machines sold on Amazon. There is a manual one and an electric one. I have ordered the manual and will let you know how it works. If I do not feel it is adequate, I will try the electric.

Sunday, June 02, 2024

It is finished.

Seeking "God experiences" and "new revelations" outside of His Word show a lack of comprehension of the magnitude of our sin and God's mercy and grace.