Friday, June 21, 2024

How to Know God's Voice

Someone asked me today how do you know the difference between God speaking to your heart and what you want Him to say to your heart? 

My answer...

Scripture will lead you there. God will never contradict His Word. It will always be in perfect harmony. The more you study Scripture (and not what someone says about Scripture), the more you will recognize His voice. Look, He gave us a love letter we can read for ourselves. He does not want us to hear someone's opinion about what He said to us. He wants us to study it for ourselves.

Do you have any verses to study to learn how to recognize God's voice?

Yes, they are located between the front cover and the back cover. 

Seriously, you need to study the entire Word. 2 Timothy 2:15 supports that. Other verses support that. We need to study what He says from cover to cover to rightly divide truth. 

I would be very careful about "listening to your heart" or "following your heart:" The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? Jeremiah 17:9