Thursday, February 13, 2025

Joshua's Surgery

Thank you for the many contacts regarding Joshua. We appreciate each of you.

Joshua's surgery was yesterday. It was almost 3xs as long as predicted. The surgeon was able to place all of the bones in his hand, wrist, and the end of his arm back in position and fasten them without having to do the Scenario 2. He has five pieces of "free floating" (surgeon's words) bones and four fractures.

Scenario 2 was going in from the top of the wrist and affixing a plate to hold everything in place. This would have kept him from moving his wrist and would have necessitated a second surgery and a longer healing time.

We are very thankful the surgery is behind us. Joshua is in quite a bit of pain today and is resting at his home.

I apologize for being slow on the updates. My days are very full and rewarding. I am on my feet until 7-8 and sometimes 9-10 each day. I am thankful to have the opportunities and the health to do what I am doing each day, but it limits my time for things like updating the blog. My love to all!

Monday, February 10, 2025

Stage 4 Cancer Over Two Years

February 10: Karen is still having severe pain daily. She believes her back was injured when she had a tooth extracted around the time of the stem cell administration. She also had a major bleeding incident which kept her in the hospital overnight which she is recovering from. Please pray for her Karen and her family. Thank you! May the Lord bless you abundantly for ministering to my friend through the power of prayer. 

Jan 23 6:30 a.m. Karen's son, Malcolm wrote me. There has been very little progress. She was able to sit up twice. She is still in severe pain. Please continue to pray.

Jan 22 7 a.m. There is no update on Karen from Joe. Please pray for my friend and her family.

Jan 21 4:30 p.m. Karen is still in severe pain. They are trying to get pain medications to her so she can be transported to the ER. Please keep praying.

Jan 21 10:15 a.m. Karen's husband says she is unable to move and is in terrible pain today. She had a stem cell transplant last week and that could be the cause. 

Karen has used alternative medicine to treat her cancer. She has been in stage 4 for two years now. It has been two years since she was told to "go home and die." There is no doubt what she is doing has prolonged her life and opportunity to serve the Lord.  

Please pray for her pain relief today. 

She really dislikes missing ministry on Wednesdays. She can go most weeks, but it wears her out.

Sunday, February 09, 2025

our inner self is being renewed

2 Corinthians 4

The Light of the Gospel

4 Therefore, having this ministry by the mercy of God, we do not lose heart. 2 But we have renounced disgraceful, underhanded ways. We refuse to practice cunning or to tamper with God's word, but by the open statement of the truth we would commend ourselves to everyone's conscience in the sight of God. 3 And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. 4 In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. 5 For what we proclaim is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, with ourselves as your servants for Jesus' sake. 6 For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
Treasure in Jars of Clay
7 But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us. 8 We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; 9 persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; 10 always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies. 11 For we who live are always being given over to death for Jesus' sake, so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh. 12 So death is at work in us, but life in you.
13 Since we have the same spirit of faith according to what has been written, “I believed, and so I spoke,” we also believe, and so we also speak, 14 knowing that he who raised the Lord Jesus will raise us also with Jesus and bring us with you into his presence. 15 For it is all for your sake, so that as grace extends to more and more people it may increase thanksgiving, to the glory of God.
16 So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. 17 For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, 18 as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.

Thursday, February 06, 2025

Joshua's 9 Breaks

Joshua has five separated bones and four fractures in his arm/hand/wrist. His surgery is next Wednesday.

Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Please pray for Sarah's baby

My young friend, Sarah, who I consider like a niece is bleeding during a high-risk pregnancy. The baby is still alive and in the sac. She is at the hospital where they are trying to get the bleeding to stop. If you will, please lift a prayer for the life of the baby and Sarah. Thank you!

Finally, an appointment!

Joshua finally heard from the surgeon yesterday. He has an appointment with their Suffolk office on Thursday morning. We hope this appointment leads to a date for his surgery so his bones can be properly set and start to heal. 

Friday, January 31, 2025

Update on Joshua's Injury

A lot is happening. My time is limited. To save myself time, this is a copy and paste of an update on Joshua's injury/surgery.

"The doctor called Joshua back and told him they had someone else look at the scan. He DOES have a fracture in his scaphoid. He has broken bones at the wrist end of the radius with some of those being shattered. He also has a broken scaphoid (wrist) and a broken bone in his hand. So he has breaks at the end of his arm, wrist, and in his hand. They canceled the surgery for Monday. He has to be seen by a specialist and schedule surgery from there. His doctor is going to make the appointment for him. Please keep him in your prayers."

Monday, January 27, 2025

Joshua's Car Accident

Joshua was in a car accident on the 24th. He broke the wrist of his dominant arm in two or three places. The ER visit was long and interesting. He sees a doctor about his arm on Wednesday. The ER doc thinks he will need surgery due to where the breaks are located. He broke the end of his radius (thicker forearm bone). Other than that, he is OK His car was totaled, but he has a great set of family and friends to get him where he needs to be. He starts back to work tomorrow because his bosses are working with him by giving him light-duty work.

Thank you to all who called and texted!

Acute stress help

This was an answer to a question about panic attacks due to a recent separation/divorce where the wife was left stranded with their young children in their remote area without a working vehicle. She's having some major daily panic attacks.

I recommended Chamomile, Valerian, and Skullcap. Another person told me I should have recommended Passionflower and Lemon Balm. 

I stand by my recommendations. This is my reasoning.

I recommend Chamomile, Valerian, and Skullcap over Lemon Balm and Passionflower for acute panic attacks.

I am a practicing herbalist of over 30 years and am currently studying under a naturopath. While I agree with you that Passionflower and Lemon Balm can be used for stress, stronger herbs would likely be more helpful, in this instance.

Passionflower is an excellent anxiolytic but its sedative effects might not be strong enough for moderate to severe panic attacks like the Valerian and Skullcap. It is more often used for generalized anxiety (day-to-day stressors) or chronic stress (unpleasant work environment) rather than an acute panic attack caused by a life-changing event (breakup, divorce, death).

Lemon Balm, a wonderful herb with many beneficial properties, is considered too mild for acute panic attacks. It is considered better suited for mild stress and tension. I've seen it work for moderate stress but it was inconsistent person to person. I leave it for mild anxiety.

Of course, my recommendation is just generalized information given off the hip in compassion at seeing a friend with an acute panic attack caused by a painful life-changing event. I do not know all of the ins and outs of her situation, habits, health, etc.

If one were visiting a clinical herbalist, the herbalist would take the current situation and more specific symptoms, a very detailed overview of their health, lifestyle, beliefs, and habits, and an assessment of their personality into account. They would then use that to design a herbal formula with personalized dosages. They would also warn one about contraindications for each herb. If they failed to do any of those things in a clinical setting, I'd RUN from them.

Happy Herbaling!

Saturday, January 25, 2025

"make a conscious, deliberate, daily choice"

“I also know that there is only one place where that angry, reactive, overwhelmed self can be transformed – the same place that Mary chose – the feet of Jesus. I must make a conscious, deliberate, daily choice to sit at His feet, to listen to His Word, to receive His love, to let Him change me, and to pour out my heart’s devotion to Him.

“When I get into His presence, the whole world looks different. When I draw close to His heart, I find mercy when I know I deserve judgment; I find forgiveness for all my petty, selfish ways; I find grace for all my inadequacies; I find peace for my troubled heart; I find perspective for my distorted views. In Him, I find an eye in the midst of the storm. Oh, the storm around me may not immediately subside; but the storm within me is made calm.” - Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, from the book A Place of Quiet Rest

Christmas Decorations Still Up?

It doesn't matter if you leave it up all year round or take it down Christmas Day evening. I have done that before and might again. I had 7 children home 24/7 due to homeschooling and a very tight schedule. I did and still do what works for my family. I don't really care what onlookers think.

If your Christams decorations are already down or still up, you shouldn't care what others think either.

Decorations shouldn't matter. It's about the worship in our hearts which is unseen by those looking on and should be a daily thing experience instead of an annual one.

I couldn't care less about decorations. As I get older, I want less and less of them out. However, as I age, I value the daily worship opportunities more. I do worship the Gift that was given to us.

People who nitpick unimportant things often overlook the important.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Pine Medicine

Is pine needle mugolio safe to consume? I am getting different opinions based on who I ask.

Are you aware that pines have been used for thousands of years as medicine and are still used by naturopaths and clinical herbalists today?

If the mugolio is made from pines (pinus spp) and made properly it is considered safe and may have some health benefits. Think of it as a condiment. Drizzle it on ice cream or waffles. In large amounts, it can upset the stomach of sensitive individuals.

As a side note, I use pine needles to fight off respiratory viruses in myself and my clients. The Shikimic acid, resveratrol, terpenes, flavonoids, polyphenols, and etc work to inhibit viral replication. Like mugolio, excessive amounts of pine needle tea or tincture can upset the stomach of sensitive individuals. Stomach upset is most likely due to the resins. But wait...

Pine resin has also been used internally and externally as medicine for thousands of years. This is also well-documented. For internal uses, at times it was chewed and other times made into a tea. As with all medicine whether OTC, Rx, or natural, knowledge of dosage amounts differentiates between safe and harmful.

Food for thought: My grandmother used nitroglycerin ointment for heart issues. I remember seeing the tubes on her coffee table when I was very young. If one were to use that Rx ointment like suntan lotion- liberally all over the body multiple times a day, it would have a negative impact on the body instead of a beneficial one. Dosage makes the difference. This is a critical concept to carry forward for those wanting to learn or practice herbal medicine.

Contraindications: Mugolio and pine needle medicines should be avoided by those with pine allergies and by women who are pregnant and nursing. The latter recommendation is because cows are known to lose their babies when they consume pine and similar plants. Source:

Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor. I am a lowly herbalist with 30+ years of helping my family, friends, pets, livestock, and community find relief through herbal education. Please use what I share as a catalyst for your education and research. I believe YOU are your own healthcare provider. Everyone and everything else in your path is a tool to assist you in the goal of improving or maintaining your health.

Happy Herbaling!

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Fundraiser for a Friend

Go Fund Me Link for Jean Reilly

Mrs Reilly was the mother to two friends of mine. She also hosted our homeroom events time to time. She also led a youth group I attended with my best friend, Jill. One of her children is a pastor of a local church. Jean is a friend, inspiration, mentor, encourager, and more to me today. One would be hard-pressed to find a more sincere and loving Christian woman. As you will read, she is an overcomer in life due to her faith in Christ. Please help her get the treatment she needs, if you feel led. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Clint and I are Grandparents!!


I enlarged the U/S and removed my DIL's personal information to protect her privacy. Baby Asbell is due in the middle of June around the time of Caleb's and Elora's first anniversary. Caleb hopes the baby will be born on his birthday.

My son and bonus daughter are parents!
Clint and I are grandparents!

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Egg Shortages Egg Prices What to do?

I saw it coming. As a Proverbs 31 woman, I made a move to prepare for it. This is the answer I shared on a forum when people asked what to do about the egg shortages and egg prices.

A lot of people are raising Coturnix quail. They are small and quiet, and their care is minimal. I know people who are raising them in apartment buildings and garages. In most of those instances, no one knows the birds are there. I raise my jumbo browns in a shed next to my house. The hens are very quiet. The males have a softer (and less irritating) crow that most people are unfamiliar with. People who are keeping quail in situations where others might object keep only hens. 

My birds have automatic waterers, autofeeders, and poop collection trays. In the summer, I run a fan to keep them cooler. They give me an egg a day for half a cent of feed (cost will vary according to feed costs). 3-4 quail eggs equal one chicken egg. Jumbo quail eggs require 3 eggs to equal one chicken egg, but let's go with 4 to equal one quail egg to be generous and to make the math easier. My cost for four quail eggs would be like paying 2 cents per chicken egg or 24 cents a dozen for chicken eggs. I know!! I am getting a bargain! There are things I could do to lower the feed costs, but I am happy where I am at.

I get more eggs than my immediate and extended family and friends can eat, so we sell the eggs and use extras to feed our livestock. Most months, the egg sales pay for all of the quail feed, so we are getting meat, our eggs, and extra livestock feed free. I also incubate the eggs and sell the chicks. And, I give lessons on raising them, harvesting, etc. 

If you have allergies or asthma, consider looking into quail eggs. They have a protein that inhibits the release of histamine. I noticed a reduction in my seasonal allergies, but I did not put it together until a customer told me why he was buying so many at one time. His daughter has allergies and asthma. The quail eggs are a natural medicine for her to keep both under control. 

Research says to eat them raw, but she and I both eat them cooked and see big benefits. This particular customer often gives me $40 tips because he does not feel I ask enough money for the eggs, and he wants to keep his daughter's supply coming. He says our quail eggs are the freshest he's ever purchased. (He float tests them.) 

I charge $3 per dozen. If you are OK with them being packed in a bag instead of a carton, the price is $2.50. If you have plants or produce I need, we can trade. If you need the eggs for incubating, please specify that.

If you are in Richmond, VA to the Hampton Roads, VA area and interested in quail eggs, quail for meat, breeding groups, harvesting lessons, etc, you can TEXT me.

7 five 7.
five owe six. 
8 five-five owe.
mention you "saw the ad on the blog"

Send a TEXT and I'll get back to you.

chicken egg shortage, chicken egg prices, egg prices, chicken shortage, egg shortage, eggs expensive, egg substitute, seasonal allergies, allergies, asthma, natural allergy treatment, natural allergy medicine, hayfever natural treatment, natural medicine, natural asthma, 

Goodbye, Shodan


The last two days have been hard ones. Today isn't exactly roses either. Immediately before Brandon left the state for work, he brought me an ailing kitty, his sweet Shodan. 

I did all I could to help her. Her body would respond but then it would go right back downhill. It became obvious there was no help for her. Then I worked to keep her comfortable and as pain-free as I could.

When Shodan felt her body changing, she cried out one time. Hannah went to comfort her. With all the strength she had left, Shodan crawled into Hannah's lap. She wanted to be held and Hannah was the one she wanted.

Hannah selflessly gave up her plans and held Shodan for the next seven and a half hours. Emily and I offered to take over several times. Hannah wanted to see it through. Hannah gave Shodan what she wanted. She cradled Shodan, lovingly stroked her fur, and gave her sweet words all day long. I admit nothing, but I may have cried a little at the tenderness I witnessed. How many 16-year-olds will give up their entire day for a dying cat that isn't even theirs?

Shodan was nine years old. She was a beautiful long-haired tortoiseshell cat descended from Miracle whose story is in the blog. Shodan would greet Brandon when he came home by jumping onto his back and standing on his shoulders. She loved my boy, and I loved her for it.

She did not leave us with nothing. Several months ago, Shodan escaped Brandon's house and was gone for a while before she came home. Nine weeks later, Shodan gave Brandon what became a precious parting gift...a kitten, named Moiria, who will carry on her memory and Miracle's lineage. 

Monday, January 13, 2025

George and His Canine Companion Bulldozer


George's head lives in our freezer. We bring it out and add more snow each year it snows enough. Before he can fully melt, we put him back in a bowl labeled "George's Head" in the freezer. 

George is somewhere between 27-30 years old.

Clint, Emily, Hannah, and I gave George a body and set him free of the freezer for a short time. Emily and Hannah thought he needed a buddy, so they built him a dog named "Bulldozer."

Thursday, January 02, 2025

A Surprise Christmas Present

More details soon.

not the same at all

As Christians, we are not here for our own purpose at all.
We are here for the purpose of God, and the two are not the same at all.
Oswald Chambers

Wednesday, January 01, 2025

Happy New Year 2025!

  Happy New Year 2025!!

to our family and friends near and far, 
old and new,
close and estranged 
from The Asbell Family!

Clint and I celebrated last night with Brandon, Emily, and Hannah. We ate a meal, snacked, played games, watched a movie, and then gathered and prayed at midnight.

I can not remember a New Year's when I laughed so hard and long! We had a very long and fierce multiple-deck UNO battle. Because I had to eat, I was dealt in late. The smack talk was rough. The nonstop joking became more intense as the game grew longer. We broke long enough to give thanks for the old year and ask for His blessing on the New Year. Then we went right back to the game. I won! After that, some serious rounds of Connect Four ensued.

2024 brought many big life changes to our family. Joshua moved out. Then Caleb moved out. Caleb asked Elora to marry him and then he married her. Jeremy asked Bethany to marry him. Joe and Amanda also became engaged. Joshua and Jurnee just went ring shopping last weekend. I always felt that when the marriages happened, it would happen one after the other. Here we are, and so it is!

We already know 2025 will bring additional changes to our family.
We are humbly asking the Lord's blessing, protection, and provision over us. We pray He keeps each of us focused on our relationship with Him and keeps us close to each other. I pray that God will remove every person, place, and thing that takes our family further from Him and put in 10 times the people, places, and things that draw us closer to Him. I also pray that each member of this family will aim and succeed in glorifying Him. My love to all.

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

The Christmas Gift that Really Touched My Heart


Last year, Brandon challenged his two youngest sisters, Emily and Hannah, to read the entire Bible before Christmas. He told them he'd provide them with gaming computers and monitors. He used an app and tracked their progress. They completed the Bible. Brandon gave them their computers and monitors on Christmas. Clint and I were surprised and overwhelmed with joy at Brandon's leadership with his sisters in this area.

There was another gift that gave us joy too. I'll share about that soon.

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Merry Christ-a-must 2024!

Merry Christ-a-must!

to our family and friends
near and far, old and new
close and estranged

May the true meaning of Christmas
be apparent in your homes
and your heart!

Monday, December 23, 2024



Grey escaped Bethany's apartment and was lost. She was at work when she found out. Her fiance, Jeremy, loves Bethany very much. He took off work to find her beloved kitty. Grey is a special needs kitty. He is extremely skittish and can not handle too much noise or commotion. He can be very unpredictable. When Bethany asked us to pray, we were all very concerned for his well-being. We have no idea what Grey did while he was wayward, but he was found chilling with the local cat gang several hours later. A nice neighbor found him and took him to Jeremy.

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Powerful!! Well Worth Your Time to Listen! Copy and Paste

Her story of sexual, physical, and emotional abuse and where it led her. Words can not describe her journey. You have to hear it for yourself. If you dare!

Friday, December 20, 2024

How we do New Year's Eve

Previously shared after a New Year's Eve: 

I have several friends who were upset about something that was on one of the programs last night. I do not know what they saw, but it must have been pretty bad. As Christian parents, Clint and I got tired of the worldly performances many years ago. This is how we do it with our family:

For the last several years, my husband has lead our family by finding something more appropriate on YouTube to watch. What we watched last night did not have any talking or performances. 

We saw the ball and countdown display and there was something similar to techno elevator music playing (not my fave, but better than any of the NYE performances). The only thing the camera was on was the "ball." We don't start watching until 10 minutes before. We play games, talk, watch movies, snack, etc. You know, interact with each other.  

When the ball drops, we tell each other Happy New Year and then pray thanking God for the last year and asking for His leading and blessing on the new year. That prayer has been our tradition for over 30 years now. Then I go to bed. :-) Clint and I ride out early the next morning and pick up coffee and breakfast sandwiches for everyone.

Why would Christians choose to watch what everyone else was watching if it is going against our beliefs? We don't have to follow the crowd. We can choose better. We live IN this world, but we have been called to live separate from it.

Friday, December 13, 2024

Unspoken Prayer Requests

There are lots of things I see in our family that could use some prayer. Some of our members are edging closer to the world and forgetting their faith, mostly to please others. I ask that you keep us in prayer. It's nothing overt. Just hints of things here and there. 

Spiritual warfare never ceases, and I know a lot of us are seeing it ramp up in these last days on earth. It's like our enemy and legions know their time is short so they are throwing everything they have into the battle. We can take hope and rejoice in the FACT that God never stops working on our behalf. God wins.

My love to all. We are praying for you too, dear reader whether you be family, close friends, new to the blog, acquaintances, or estranged family.

If you would like us to pray specifically for you and yours, please contact me through the email in the header.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Tramates Versicolor aka Turkey Tail Mushroom




I've been taking Trametes versicolor aka Turkey Tail Mushroom off and on longer than some of my children are old. A long time ago, I shared my usage of it along with other mushrooms for EBV with the now-late renowned herbalist Stephen Buhner. He put my results on his website so my experience could help others. 

This humble little mushroom is an immune modulator that bolsters our immune systems. It can lower blood sugar, support gut health, lower blood pressure, lower inflammation, protect the liver, promote wound healing, etc. It is taken along with ginko to protect brain health in Alzheimer's patients. It inhibits tumor growth and detoxifies the body. Called Yun Zhi, it has been and is used frequently in Chinese medicine. This fungus is available free if you know what to look for, where to find it, and how to make use of it.

There are no deadly look-alikes to Turkey Tail. Turkey tail is relatively easy to correctly ID if you know what to look for to rule out the others. I found mine growing on the side of a log in a forest. I harvested 1/3 of it and left the rest to keep growing which is the common practice for wildcrafting. When foraging anything, always learn about look-alikes which can be deadly. 

FYI: The second picture is what it looks like after I blend it with a little ethyl alcohol in my blender. I added more alcohol after that process which you see in the third picture. Why blend it? The blending macerates the marc (herb) so the menstruum (liquid) can extract more of the medicinal properties. Knowing the chemistry of which menstruum will extract what plant properties is a key to successful herbalism. 

Do your research and remember to check for contraindications for existing health issues you may have. Happy herbaling!

Wednesday, December 04, 2024

indigenous knowledge of native plant medicines Quote

"Over 200 drugs that have been or still are listed in the Pharmacopoeia of the United States or the National Formulary were first used by American Indians, but neither reference acknowledges this fact. Thus, the tremendous benefits we've derived from indigenous knowledge of native plant medicines go largely uncredited." M. Kat Anderson USDA NRCS

Monday, December 02, 2024

It's Peppermint Season again!




A few years ago, I started using peppermint candy for "snow" under my vintage ceramic Christmas trees. My family loves it. They take them by the handful and give them out to coworkers and friends. So far this year, I have purchased four bags of the 600+ count Starlight peppermints from SamsClub. When Emily saw me putting them under the trees last year, she said, "Peppermint season!!" It is worth doing just to get that reaction.

Sunday, December 01, 2024

My Birthday and New Adventures

The countdown continues: It was my birthday recently. I am now 56 years closer to meeting Jesus face to face!

I have started a new chapter that may lead to a bigger chapter. I have started a more in-depth herbal medicine learning experience under a Naturopathic Doctor, clinical herbalist, and veterinarian. Once I complete this, I may pursue becoming a naturopathic doctor. 

For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. Philippians 1:21 

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Looking for Live Plant Bignonia capreolata

I am looking for a rooted section of Bignonia capreolata aka Crossvine to grow at my home in Virginia. I would be happy to pay for shipping and for the cost of the plant. If you have some, please text me at the email in the header of this page. Thank you! 

Friday, November 29, 2024

Rejoicing again!

Amanda informed us last Sunday that November 19th is the day she and Joe will have their wedding. We are very excited for them both.

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Giving Thanks

   Happy Thanksgiving!

to our family and friends
near and far, old and new
close and estranged
You are loved!

Most of our family* is gathering together to give thanks to the Lord, enjoy a feast, play some games together, and watch some movies.

Wherever you may be on this day, I hope you take time to thank the Lord. No matter what is going on in the world, there is always something for which we can be thankful.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Endless Probiotics


I am not too keen on paying $46 for one month's supply of probiotics for one person. However, I do not mind paying $46 + milk for an endless supply of probiotics for two people. Not only can you TEST your probiotics by following yogurt-making steps,* but you can keep producing beneficial gut bacteria which can save you a small fortune. I used two capsules of BioGaia Osfortis, Women’s** Probiotic for Strong Bones, Immune Balance & GI Wellness, Contains L. reuteri 6475 to make a quart. It was thinner than I liked when I checked it the first time, so I put it back in the cooler for another 12 hours. Today, I will start more using a couple of tablespoons from the jar to make the next batch.

*I've used the cooler method for making yogurt for over 20 years (maybe 30). It's never failed.

**It is beneficial for men too.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Prayers for a Big Decision and Big Commitment

Something has been heavily on my heart for the last year and a half. I feel like it is the Lord leading me in a direction. I know that if He is this, I will succeed. I am asking prayers for God's wisdom and leading over the next few days as I try to make a decision. If I do it, it will be a huge time commitment, a lot of work, and will definitely clarify a role in my life for the future. May the Lord bless you abundantly for any prayers you life on my behalf.