Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The New Cast

Click the bottom picture and you will see what she did with the sticker.
I didn't see it until I was posting this.
Her Daddy took her for a chocolate milkshake...which is on her shirt.

She got her new cast on today. Clint let her pick the color just knowing out of black, blue and pink that she would pick pink.
He had to go buy paint pens so we could sign her cast.
She and I painted our fingernails with blue glitter polish last night. :-)

Clint said yesterday, she kept the doctor and nurse hopping by asking them tough questions.
She wanted to know the names of ALL of the princesses on the stickers they gave her.
The doctor could not name them all, so she consulted with the nurse who took the time to look it up for her.
The kind nurse treated it as if it was just as important to Bethany's health as her care instructions.
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