Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Focus on the Family Education

'In the state of California, if I had a child there, I wouldn't put the youngster in a public school.' I think it's time to get our kids out.' And I'm going to get hit for saying that.' James Dobson, March 28th, (2002 Radio Broadcast)

Six and a half years have passed since James Dobson made that bold and honest statement. Focus on the Family has been faithful for years encouraging and strengthening Christian families, and evangelizing and discipling both young and old.

In a recent broadcast July 16th, 2008 Focus on the Family sought to answer the question, 'Why are we losing our kids?' Studies show up to 3 out of 4 teenagers are walking away from the faith after the high school and college years, in some denominations it is high as 90 percent. At that rate the church will disappear in a few generations.

A Proper Diagnosis

The broadcast, 'How to Shape Your Child's Faith,' with Mr. Jack and Dona Eggar (leaders of the Awana ministry), identified the problem as parents abdicating the spiritual training of their children to the church. With all the resources in the church: Awana, Vacation Bible school, and Sunday school it is easy to see how parents may step back from their responsibility as spiritual leaders.

The panel stressed the importance of following Deuteronomy 6, living Christianity as an internal vibrant faith rather than an external legalistic faith. They emphasized the importance of living godly lives at home in front of their children, while modeling a life of humility, and transparency.

'We can't just drop our children off at church, and expect them to be spiritual champions.'

While the broadcast helped make parents more accountable it ignored a major reason kids are walking away from the faith when they leave high school. The Nehemiah Institute which conducts the PEERS Test examines Biblical worldview. It determined that the longer children remain in public schools the more humanistic, and socialistic their worldview becomes.

We can't just drop our kids off at church and expect them to be spiritual champions.
How much more must we be concerned dropping our children off in a humanistic, anti-Christian government school for 7 hours a day, 5 days a week?