Sunday, March 01, 2020

You Don't Have It Because You Didn't Ask or Asked with the Wrong Intentions

In this juggling act of motherhood, I like to serve my family by meeting their needs and helping them achieve goals. I try to keep us well stocked on the items we use often because it slows everything down when we run out. 

Recently, I heard "Mom, where is the construction paper I need? I can't finish my homeschool project because I don't have it. My project is going to be past the goal date."

I replied, "This is the first I have heard of it. If you didn't tell me you needed it, why do you think it will be here for you to use?"

As soon as it was out of my mouth, I thought of and reflected on this verse:

James 4:2-3 ERV 
You want things, but you don’t get them. So you kill and are jealous of others. But you still cannot get what you want. So you argue and fight. You don’t get what you want because you don’t ask God.  Or when you ask, you don’t receive anything, because the reason you ask is wrong. You only want to use it for your own pleasure.

You don't have it because you didn't ask 
or because you asked with the wrong intentions.

That's pretty clear and straightforward, isn't it?

Dear Reader, God knows our needs, but He tells us to act in obedience by asking Him for them. Before we ask of the Lord, let's carefully examine our hearts and make certain we are asking along Biblical guidelines with the right motives. Let's trust Him to do what is right for us in every situation and to provide for us according to His plan for us in due season. 

God has limitless resources, so we do not need to desire to have what someone else has! We should be rejoicing with them for God's provision in their lives. 

Not giving God or other people the proper placement in their lives led the Christians James was writing to into sin. They did not even consider God or His ways for living in these matters. They had so much pride, they didn't even ask of God. Their self serving pride had them harming others in order to get what they wanted. Going after things in that manner causes a lot of trouble, and we gain very little of lasting value. 

Let's stay humble and never want something more than we want to obey the Lord or respect other people. That is way to truly gain in life.