Sunday, December 11, 2022

Sincerely Seek the Lord for Guidance before Sending Your Child to College

Lately, a lot of pastors have been warning about the hidden agendas being taught in colleges around our nation. My response to that is, "Where have you been?! It's been going on for decades." 

I am very thankful for the counsel (warning) several strong Christians gave Clint and me early on about sending our children to college. We took it to the Lord and did our own research. We sought out other counsel. Our homeschooling community gave us the same strong warning and told us stories about what was happening inside the walls of many of the popular choices. Many of them learned about the sad situation after sending their first child and seeing the effect themselves. 

Even the "Christian" colleges are not what they seem.

The stories we have been privileged to hear would shock most Christians. The situations we have been asked to pray over are heartbreaking. "I had no idea!!" is something we have heard a lot from our friends once we share with them what we have been taught.

We sat down with each of our children at the right time, prayed, and discussed the many warnings we had received. Each child, thus far, has chosen to stay home and learn through online colleges which gives them acredited degrees that all of the HR representatives we spoke with said they accept at the SAME LEVEL as the popular choices. They make no differentiation in college degrees as long as the college is accredited.

It was very reaffirming when a child would come to us with something they were being taught and ask our perpsective and opinions on it.

After seeing many of our friends' children being led away from their faith and their families to embrace worldliness in disturbing ways, we are very humbled and very thankful the Lord provided us this warning.

The bragging rights of sending our children to brick-and-mortar colleges did not compare to our obedience to where God led us and our children's spiritual well-being. Seeking Him has led us to a very favorable place in life and we, again, are so very thankful!

To this, I want to add that just because homeschooling or online college is chosen does not mean your children will choose to follow the Lord. It will reduce some of the dark influences though. We still pray for each of our children to resist the very strong pull of this world and sin. 

If you are a younger parent, know that your children are likely to hurt you, disappoint you, and fall into sin sometime or another. They are imperfect human beings in desperate need of a Savior. Look around at all of the confusing messages they are receiving. There are ways you can show them love and grace while still firmly holding onto your convictions.