Tuesday, August 01, 2023

Hope Deferred

A lot of people are discouraged that the Lord has not returned yet. Many of us who were brought up in prophecy-educated homes have been expecting the Lord's return for our entire lives. I think it is normal to get a bit discouraged from time to time as we wait because the wait has been so long--from our perspective. In fact, the Bible addresses being discouraged as we hope in Proverbs.

"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life." Proverbs 13:12 The word deferred here is the Hebrew word mashak (maw*shak) which means prolonged or drawn out.

Once we are on the other side of the Rapture, our perspective will very likely change. I love the last half of the verse because once our hope is fulfilled we will be renewed.

Dear Reader, Many, many years ago, I used that verse to encourage myself when my husband and I were looking for a house. Now, I use it to encourage myself as I wait on our Lord. I believe we will see Him soon. When? I can't say, but I do see all of the signs mentioned in the Bible converging very quickly which leads me to one thought...SOON!