Tuesday, September 19, 2023

80 Quarts Butternut and Snacks

just a few of the seeds before I added seasoning

After the work was done, we put up 80 quarts of butternut squash which will probably last us two to three years. I held some of the butternut and other squashes/pumpkins/gourds back to roast in the oven. 

I like to slice the butternuts in half from top to bottom, open the halves, sprinkle salt and pepper, and add a little butter. Then, I roast them in the oven until they are tender.

We also saved the seeds from all of the pumpkins and butternut squash. I saved a few for planting. The rest, we will eat. Not only are they edible, they are nutritional. They will make nice healthy snacks.

The thin peelings from where we peeled the butternut were dehydrated for winter chicken feed. The pulp was given to our hogs and ducks. I love it when there is nothing wasted.