Saturday, January 20, 2024

Chainsaw 1 Clint 0

Update on Clint 1/20: Still no signs of infection.

Update on Clint 1/18:  No signs of infection at all. Everything looks very good. We started using heat and vibration on it last night to speed healing. You would not even know he has that big gash in him from the way he's been moving around and working. To those who have been checking on him, thank you! My love to all!

Update on Clint 1/17: At my suggestion, "Chainsaw Clint" got a tetanus booster shot yesterday on his way home. He has a very little bit of bleeding still, which is normal...especially since he keeps getting on his knees to work. There are no signs of infection. 

Last night, he was helping a neighbor and had to crawl over things stacked in a hallway to reach where he needed to get. Then he was crawling around on that leg inside a pumphouse. He is amazing! 

I bought him a pair of chainsaw protection chaps to wear over his pants. They arrived yesterday.




1/15: I figured I had better post this because people are hearing about it and contacting us.

Don't worry! He is fine!

If you have the stomach for it, the injury is pictured here. It's gaping and ugly.
My man is one tough man!

Clint is a tough one! He came into the house a few minutes ago and said calmly and quietly, "Um, I am going to need a few rags. The chainsaw kicked back and nicked my leg." I looked over, and he had a 3.5-inch gaping gash. He's OK. Emily, Hannah, Amanda, and I cleaned him up. He stapled himself back together, and he's "back at it" building me a cart for my seeds. He's in my phone as "Your Amazing Husband" for a reason.

In addition to stapling his own injury closed, he also had each of us four women (Emily, Hannah, Amanda, and me) put staples in him so we would have the experience should the need ever arise. I've kept the stapler around for years hoping we'd never need it. I just purchased two more today. I have sutured before, but this was my first time stapling.

FYI, Clint made the decision not to go to the clinic. The places here are overwhelmed with patients due to RSV, pneumonia, COVID, and Flu A. Wait times were 4-6 hours. We would also be exposed to all of those germs.

The wound had bark and wood bits in it. So, Clint is on an Rx antibiotic (Jase Medical). He is receiving the same level of care he would receive if he had gone to the local doc in a box. Only, it was much faster and he wasn't exposed to many more germs.

Clint was cleaned up, sutured, and given antibiotics within 10-15 minutes of him walking into the house. By the time most people would be leaving their homes to seek medical care, he was cared for and back on his feet.

The stapler was $10. The portion of the antibiotics he will use is $7.20. The cleaning and bandaging supplies were estimated to cost around $3-4. We used alcohol, some cotton balls, and betadine. We bandaged it with two bandages and some first aid tape. The total is approximately $20. That's quite a savings compared to urgent care which I was told would be around $400.
Watching Clint staple himself had me flashback to a scene from Rambo III where Rambo cauterized his wound. MY MAN IS LEGIT!!