Monday, January 01, 2024

How we do New Year's Eve

I have several friends who were upset about something that was on one of the programs last night. I do not know what they saw, but it must have been pretty bad. Clint and I got tired of the worldly performances many years ago. This is how we do it with our family:

For the last several years, my husband has found something on YouTube to watch. What we watched last night did not have any talking or performances. We saw the ball and countdown display and there was something similar to techno elevator music playing. The only thing the camera was on was the "ball." We don't start watching until 10 minutes before. We play games, talk, watch movies, snack, etc. When it drops, we tell each other Happy New Year and then pray thanking God for the last year and asking for His leading and blessing on the new year. That prayer has been our tradition for over 30 years now. Then I go to bed. :-) Clint and I ride out early the next morning and pick up coffee and breakfast sandwiches for everyone.