Tuesday, January 02, 2024

This Year's Fun is about to Begin...


but Amanda is still finding spiders from last year's fun.
She sent me this picture to let me know she's still finding them. :-)

This year, I am going to do something different. I'll clue you blog readers in when I implement my plan. 

Amanda liked the spiders and little creepy crawlies even though they made her jump sometimes. She has collected them in jars. If you remember, I found the jars she had of the ones she found and rehid them a couple of times. She left popsicle sticks all over the place in our family home. Clint, Emily, Hannah, and I wrote love notes on them, took them to her house, and hid them to continue the fun.

During late winter, I try to keep things fun and lively for my family. I leave them love notes, treats, gag gifts, etc during the dark and dreary days to keep everyone's mood up. It's another "Wendy way" of loving on and taking care of them.